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have you ever.

I have had that happen to me. It was so odd.

I have not. I don't even know where one is around here.

Ever kicked someone in the shin? It's a good tactic for defense
No. I don't often defense myself.

Have you ever had... filthy thoughts about a family member (Cousins and distant relatives count too)?
Never cheated in poker cause I've never played for money. Dunno if I would for money. That would be fucked up, but sometimes it works.

Ever been to a strip club?
I've been to a club where male strippers were "appearing" for a one or two night show....does that count? :D And I've been to several of those.

slipped some money into the g-string of a stripper?
Sorry... I'm a innocent sapling :D

My question again...
Have you ever had... filthy thoughts about a family member (Cousins and distant relatives count too)?
Never had the opportunity to go to a strip club, and I believe the thing you said does count. ;p

Came back to an RP after a LONG (a month or so hiatus) and were disheartened because your partner no longer wanted to pursue it when you did?
Balduin said:
Sorry... I'm a innocent sapling :D

My question again...
Have you ever had... filthy thoughts about a family member (Cousins and distant relatives count too)?

(forgive me, Balduin, I did not see your question earlier)

I will admit, I had a cousin (or have a cousin, he's still around) who I find very handsome and I think I've had a few..."naughty" thoughts about he and I... *blushes*

DTH? No, I have been very fortunate when it came to my RP partners. They were always willing to pick back up on our RP even when there had been a long lull between posts.

had cyber sex that was so HOT and so descriptive, that you almost thought it was real?
Geez, I started posting as Balduin was posting again. Damn xD

Yes I have. Some of the best orgasms I've had

Ever had phone sex with someone who just did not know how to do it well?
No...*Grins* Because I, myself, am bad at I don't do it. :p

used one of those 900 numbers to call and have phone sex?
No lol. I have never paid good money to hear someone who may be hideous fake moan. Especially not for 4 dollars a minute xD

Ever watched some porn that sounded like it would be really hot, only to be totally disappointed?
Edit...( :p didn't refresh the page) To Camille- Nope. I think I would laugh uncontrollably if I tried...

Heavens- Yes... :(

Have you ever had a dream about someone, and could actually feel them?
Like, real people I've never met? Yeah, Anne Hathaway and Raven Simone popped into a dream randomly once....

...stared at a spinning ceiling fan so long you got nauseous?
So many times... Especial if I watch RTL... A really bad television station in Germany. Soap operas, And documentary films and shows which are scripted but act as if it was real. They love it to put poor and handicapped people in a bad light.

Have you ever fall in love with a man/woman who was much older then you (say... over 15 years?)? And I mean really in love. Not sexual attracted.
Maybe not over 15 years, but more like around 8 or 10? yeah... I actually prefer "older" men, however. ;)

cooked a mean pot of spaghetti?
Like....cantaloup and ice cream? lol

tried to push on a glass door at some store that you should have "pulled on" to let yourself out, and damn near fell into the floor when you bounced on the glass?
No. I'm never that lucky! :p

fell and it was like in slowwwwwwwwwwwww moooooootionnnnnn, taking you forever and a freakin' day to hit the ground?
Hmm...I guess I've gotten a 'really good hair cut" a time or two, and just couldn't quit touching my hair and messing with it. :p

made sexy eyes at some stranger across the room?
Yes. >:)

rubbed up against your lover's front while nekkid, and there was someone else who was rubbing up against their back? LOL
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