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have you ever.

Yup o_O It was after I came too, so it allll just leaked where we didn't want it to go

Ever been told your partner was wearing a condom, and they lied?
No, but once I was with a partner who just couldn't "get it up" because of medication he was taking, and he was wearing a condom, but when he left, I didn't see the condom in the trash or anything and when I asked him about it, he said he just "wore it home". LOL I don't know...but that just struck me hilariously funny. What if he had had an accident and was taken by ambulance to the hospital? What would they have thought with him wearing an unused condom? LOL

bought a condom in one of those machines in a public restroom?
That is REALLY odd lol. Words don't describe.

I never have, no. My last girlfriend was on the pill and was allergic to latex, so we didn't use condoms, but with my first girlfriend, we always had a healthy stock of condoms, and I always had a couple on hand for when the mood struck in places besides our rooms.

Ever been turned on by something that, when you thought about it later, you were like "what the shit was I thinking?"
Hmmm...No, I still pretty much like all the same "kinky" things. ;)

woke up the next morning before your partner did, and got up to go to the bathroom to comb your hair and brush your teeth, wanting to look "good" for them when they DID wake up? :p
-blinks too- Wut? and a sex coma is basically where you fall asleep almost immediately and don't wake up for a long time. Basically mind blowing, soul draining orgasm.

Ever had sex in a public space and got caught?
(ohhh....okay. I knew that! :p And...I think yeah....definately yeah, I've been in a sex coma once or :p

Never got caught...:D

had sex on the washer during the spin cycle?
Omg that sounds like so much fun but no. -scribbles it in my list of fun naughty things to try-

Ever had sex in a boat on a lake or the ocean?
On a boat, yes. (But it was on the

bought a sex toy for your lover? (If yes, what was it and did he/she like it?)
I never have, but when I do, I plan on it being a vibrator with a rabbit ;D

Same question, and have you ever used a vibrator while someone watched?
No to both. :( I've purchased toys for myself, but never for my partner. AND...noI've not used a vibe while someone watched. I gotta get with it, eh? :p

used something that wasn't meant to be used as lube? And found out it wasn't a good idea? >_>
No, I'm usually the one who begs. And grovels. And cries. :p

been turned on by the smell of leather?
I think so, but too often, it looked WAY better on the mannequin than it did me. :(

drank a cherry-vanilla-Dr. Pepper? (I love those things!)
I have. Made it with vanilla extract and cherry juice before they started marketing it :D I love em too.

Ever had biscuits so good it ruined all other biscuits for you?
LOL...yeah. My mama's biscuits can't be beat! I don't do homemade. I buy the "wompem" biscuits! You know, the ones in the can that you "womp" up against the edge of the cabinet? ;)

...worn a tutu? :p
(WHAT??? Ohhh no! Ya can't just say "Yeah, I've worn a tutu" and not explain!) LOL

LOL...that is not nice, DTH! All babies are beautiful! >_>

...asked a woman when her baby's due, only to find out...she's not pregnant? :(
Nope. I avoid asking that just in case.

All babies are beautiful. To their parent's. Doesn't mean they are to me xD

Ever been in the middle of eating when someone pocket dials you..... while having sex?
*Laughs* No, but have seen it happen more than once!

sat so long in a tub bath that your fingers became all wrinkly and "pruny" looking?
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