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have you ever.

Yes, but it was so good I didn't notice till we finished. Then my leg was lick "Hey dude. FUCK YOU"

Ever run a popsicle along your breasts to get someone turned on?
I have never seen one. And what else have you done with said popsicle?

Ever use your sexuality to get something you wanted that wasn't sexual?
Eww...LOL I don't like sushi. What's a good substitute?

wished you didn't have to leave someone and say "good night"? :(
A good substitute... any asian food with little sauce. Don't want it too messy now ;)

Ohh so very many times ;3

Ever left such an impact on someone you were always on their mind?
I don't know. *Grins* I hope that if I did, it was a "good" impact. :)

been so infatuated with someone, that he/she was the last thing you thought about before going to sleep and the first thought that crossed your mind when you awoke the next day?

(Night night, sexy!)
Hmmm...I don't know. I hate liverwurst, but once while at my parents house, it was the only lunch meat they had in the refrigerator, so I made a sammich thinking, "Ah, maybe it's not so bad", but ICK! It WAS so bad! :p

gazed into someone's eyes, getting those little "tingly" feelings...your heart skipping a beat by just being so close to them...and then all of a sudden, you realize....they have EYE BOOGERS???? LMAO
When I was a kid, yeah. :p
(Quickly changes the subject...ewww)

had your picture printed in the local newspaper?
No, thank goodness I've never had a broken bone.

gotten a sore tongue from too much oral sex? :/
Nope. That would have to be some mighty strong wind...

been in the "throws of passion" during love making and left your teethprints on your lovers body unintentionally?
Oh my yes. My ex made me bleed once, but my bites never got that hard.

Ever started something new (game, program, rp, etc) and been like.... the FUCK am I supposed to do? Playing Ys for the first time and that's exactly what I'm feeling
(So THAT'S why you were ignoring me earlier....mmmhmm...!) *Folds my arms and taps foot!*

Nope, but I'm not a gamer...

conquered the "Rubics (sp) Cube"?
I started playing it ten minutes ago! I never ignored you >.<

I have. It was a magically night. Peppered with lightning and salted with.... salt

Ever been just about to cum when something... anything... happened and just made you stop whatever you were doing.?
Umm... >.< No. If I'm about to cum? I'm going to cum...there's no stopping it! :p

"lost" a condom during sex? <_< >_>
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