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have you ever.

Yes, when I was in college, lo these many years ago... a girl named Julie from Palmerston, New Zealand... long-distance romances can be fun, but we're talking TEN THOUSAND MILES.

Have you ever... had a ferocious bone for a girl who went to a rival school and couldn't have anything to do with you (or been the girl)?
Haha yeah I have. A guy I went to church with told me he'd date me if I went to his high school. Dude still likes me but won't ask me out. Not even for coffee.

Ever been cheated on, and you know the girl(or guy)?
Yes, and it went horribly wrong, I'm not even that bad of a cook :(

Have you ever wanted to go cow tipping?
A long time ago (almost in another incarnation) I used to fly anti-submarine-warfare missions over the North Atlantic, looking for Soviet submarines, and every time I found one (they were easy), I wanted to depth-charge her. But, thankfully, there were always cooler heads aboard, and they unfailingly prevailed.

Have you ever experienced true dèja-vu, where you were convinced, bordering on certainty, that you'd seen something before that you knew damned well you hadn't?
Yeah that's happened several times. in one dream my friend said he was having a kid, and I knew damn well he wasn't next day turns out his girlfriend had been pregnant for a few months but had a miscarriage. It was kind of sad.

Same question.
I think so. Mostly just being in places that I knew I'd never been before, although I somehow already knew my way around.

...ridden a tandem bicycle?
I've been drunk enough that the next day, I couldn't remember much of what happened, so probably I have...yeah.

...found a four-leaf clover that actually brought you some good luck?
No. Sometimes you just gotta do something. I've been afraid of how people will react, sure. But I still do it.

Ever fuck something up because you're too drunk to do it right?
I don't know...maybe.

...known someone who was so messed up in their head that they didn't know which way was up or which way was down? AND...they weren't drinking? :(
Yeah, but that was usually after I had smoked too much weed. LOL!

found chips in bed with you after eating the whole bag? :p
Ohh...nooo! Marshmallow vodka? I must try that...

squeezed someone's ass or boobs that felt like marshmallows? :p
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