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have you ever.

I have, and I loved getting it bit, or biting a nice ass <3 -eyes her butt, licking his lips-

Ever went out of your way just to talk to a 'special someone'?
Wow, actually I DID play the alto sax in junior high school. (Was always second seat)

gotten your rear kicked in a bout of "arm wrestling"?
Yes, the bitch! (Those little guys/gals are "wirey" sometimes!) :p That's okay, though...I whooped her ass two years later!

been someone's "addiction"?
LOL...umm...don't recall going out and smelling like a cum bucket!

cum just by hearing someone's "voice"?
Yes. And phone sex has been sort of a hobby of mine :p You?

And have you ever known anyone who was so annoying and so unattractive you wonder how they EVER get laid?
No, I suppose not. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and I think that inner beauty always trumps outer beauty in the long run. *Winks*

been sitting in a public restroom and just as you finish your business, you discover there's no FREAKIN' toilet paper in your stall?
I agree that inner beauty is what counts, but I have known people who have neither.

Oh dear god. I hate when that happens.

Ever do that in your own home and there is NO toilet paper ANYWHERE in the house? I ALWAYS have paper at home! I stock pile that stuff!

cheated on your SO and never got caught? and as far as you know, they don't know about your infidelity to this today?
I have never cheated on anyone. I am a faithful little clam <3

Ever suspected being cheated on, but it was just your SO planning a surprise?
(And what a sexy little clam you are!) ;)

I don't think I've ever suspected my SO cheating and it be because he was planning a surprise for me (which, I LOVE surprises, but haven't had all that many sprung on me) but...sadly, I am a suspicious person and I have had my moments of jealousy where I accused him of cheating when in fact, he wasn't. :(

apologized to someone for something you really didn't do, but you just wanted to end the fighting and make amends?
No, because I don't like fighting either. That being said, I do seem to start arguments/fights all too often because I don't like to feel as though I'm being done wrong. :( I have lots of trust issues. It's something I struggle with daily, but I'm trying to do better. Wish me luck! :p

picked out clothing for your SO? Perhaps something sexy and provocative that you'd love for him/her to wear while you're out on the town?
I have. She was blushing the WHOLE time we were out because it was so revealing. It was adorable.

What kind of sexy clothes would you put on a sexy clam :p
Oh my! Let me see... *Rubs her chin as if in deep thought...* Oh, I know. How about a pair of tight fitting jeans that show ALL of a clam's finer assets! ;)

ate clams on the half-shell? :p
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