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have you ever.

Heheh nope, never. Though if it were another girl, that could be fun ;D

Ever watched your lover do something sexy, when they had no idea you found it sexy?
Yes. For instance, when your man unloads the dishwasher (or loads it), or doing any little thing around the house to help me, I find that very sexy.

scored front row tickets to a major concert?
Never been to a concert with "rows" but I've been less than 2 feet from some of my favorite bands

Ever thought something racist and a moment later, you were like "where the fuck did that come from"
Been there and done that plenty of times. Usually after someone does something horridly stupid.

Ever plotted the demise of someone you dislike in grand movie like theatricals?
No. But that's a good idea...

gotten really spooked after watching a scarey movie and slept with the light on?
Yes I have, it was just like urrrrgh.

Danced in your underpants for the hell of it?
*laughs, and nods* Sort of like this?


got "caught" dancing in your underpants?
Can't say that I've fallen out of a window. I came dangerously close to falling of the ship a few days back.

Ever had to take a moment and go, "Jeebus am I really that harsh?"
Most usually every time...cause I'm lame like that. :/

started a fight with your lover just so you could have "make-up sex" later?
Not that I can remember...

stood in a long line waiting to use the restroom and done the "pee pee" dance? :p
Nope, I've never had the opportunity to ski. It would be the bunny slopes all the way for me. :)

had sex in the snow? Brrrrr!
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