have you ever.

Nope. Never injured myself badly. I hate hospitals.. and I don't want to break any of my bones >.< The only time I got there was a few years back when I tried to kill myself by swallowing half a bottle of aspirin, I think.

Have you ever been so desperate about someone that you changed for them?
Nope. Two words. *Think you.* I like myself. Whoever loves me needs to love what I am, and the woman I've taken years to grow into. I put alot of time into my experiences and my experiences shape me.

Have you ever been in so much pain you couldn't sleep because you refuse to go to the doctor so you just accept it?
When I broke my arm. Also when I had swine flu but it wasn't as much pain as it was terrible uncomfortable sweating and shivers mixed with delirium.

Have you ever punched a hole in a wall?
My garage wall looks like the moon, I punched so many fucking holes in that thing it's kind of sad.
-_- gotta take your anger out on something.

Have you ever worried about someone so much, you did something completely reckless or out of your nature to make sure they're okay?

Have you ever thought that someone was doing something incredibly selfish but haven't said anything because you're afraid they'll fly off the handle?
All the time. My girlfriend does it almost all the time and I'm just to much of a pussy to say something to her.

Have you ever broken a knuckle from punching something so hard?
Yes, My dad has one. And I love ferry rides!!!!

Has your chest ever LITERALLY ached for somebody, just when you thought you weren't capable of the extremeties of feeling love? >_o
Um...I'm not sure this can really count because I was like 12 I think. This girl came into my class and I asked who she was because I was suspended for like a week. And when I looked at her I hit my head on the desk.

Have you ever eaten something that had spit in it and knew but did not care?
Does your own spit count? XD!

Have you ever wanted to see someone really bad, but found yourself unable to and hurt because of it?

No, If she did I would just bounce without even telling her.

Have you ever eaten dirt for money?
All the time, I like to think I'm a pretty good poet.

Have you ever had your tummy hurt for no specific reason at all?
No... o_O


Have you?

xD reallyreally...

Have you ever fed off the thrill of something dangerous so far it makes you want it more?
Fuck yeah, why do you think I own a bike and not a car like normal people? XD

Have you ever got so mad at your computer, you ended up punching it and breaking it?
to your question if I did eat newspaper: Yes I did eat newspaper when I was that hungry.

No o_O

Have you ever been told to get off the computer but you were done using anyway?

Have you ever been kicked in the face while sitting on the stairs in the dark waiting for your cowboy boot wearing boyfriend to come down them? (hurts on so many levels, including stupidity)
Jaijin said:

Have you ever been kicked in the face while sitting on the stairs in the dark waiting for your cowboy boot wearing boyfriend to come down them? (hurts on so many levels, including stupidity)

...I don't do boys that wear cowboy boots so nu. xD

Girls: Have you ever told somebody you had a girlfriend to decline a date?
Boys: Have you ever told somebody you had a boyfriend to decline a date? xD
xWickedBlackLace said:
Jaijin said:

Have you ever been kicked in the face while sitting on the stairs in the dark waiting for your cowboy boot wearing boyfriend to come down them? (hurts on so many levels, including stupidity)

...I don't do boys that wear cowboy boots so nu. xD

Girls: Have you ever told somebody you had a girlfriend to decline a date?
Boys: Have you ever told somebody you had a boyfriend to decline a date? xD

Nope, but I said I had a boyfriend when I didn't. My cousin did that to convince a jealous girlfriend that her boyfriend and my cousin were just friends tho XD

Have you ever done something with someone of the same gender just for fun (like pair up for a slow dance) because you were too shy to ask the person that you loved, but realized that the same-gender-person actually had feelings for you? =._.=
I just lost my female best friend because she had feelings for me. We danced together a few times. Does it count when I didn't realize those feelings? >.>

Have you ever put something your health on the backburner for money?
xWickedBlackLace said:
I just lost my female best friend because she had feelings for me. We danced together a few times. Does it count when I didn't realize those feelings? >.>

Have you ever put something your health on the backburner for money?

Yes it does, I didn't know it when we danced either, only after.

As for your question:
All the time. Especially for money, you have to put priorities. I put priority to eat in the next months instead of treating my tooth cavities, for example :p It kinda feels like survival to me. A very less epic survival, but still one ^^' in a way.

Have you ever thought about seeing a friend less often because his driving habits are dangerous? (and you care enough about your life to worry about it)
It's the other way around with me >.> No one wants to go for a drive on my bike QQ They're pussies.

Have you ever been jealous of a fictional/Tv character because someone you like has a major crush on them?
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