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have you ever.

H a r r i e t said:
I blamed it on everything. Absolutely everything.

Have you ever gotten gut rot from coffee?

My body is immune to coffee. xD No.

Have you ever faked your period so you wouldn't have to put out?
No. All of the men I manage to hook actually like it.

Have you ever done something completely ridiculous to get out of trouble with a policeman
If you mean running over his foot before he took my license plate number, yes.
(Not even kidding, don't ask)

Have you ever got it on in a place where you could easily be discovered? SUCH AS your grandma's bathroom floor? >.> *Looks up at earlier posts*
What, you mean like a back corner of a video gaming center during a lock in while all the lights are off because they wanted to play hide and seek in the dark?.....>.> *ahem*

Have you ever hit your hand or foot on something and said "ow" even though it didn't hurt?
No, but I used to know a girl who said "Ow" for her purse whenever someone bumped it XD

Have you ever loved someone so much, but couldn't do anything about it for whatever reason?
-le sigh- pretty much.

Have you ever got something on your hands but forgot and rubbed your eye and you were all like "Fuck..."?
Yeah...after like a long day of opening doors. I might have once after just using hand sanitizer.

Hmm I propose a challenge. Years back , when Yu-gi-oh was 'popular', I was playing against a friend. My chair gave out and I bashed my head against a hard wooden table. I guess I was out of life points. XD
wrath said:
Yeah...after like a long day of opening doors. I might have once after just using hand sanitizer.

Hmm I propose a challenge. Years back , when Yu-gi-oh was 'popular', I was playing against a friend. My chair gave out and I bashed my head against a hard wooden table. I guess I was out of life points. XD
Doesn't know what the challenge is and has nothing to answer =/

Have you ever been so confused?
Yup, right into this cute girl >.>

Have you ever had a sex dream involving one of your friends and just felt awkward around them the day after?
yup, left quite a bruise too.

Have you ever wanted something really, really badly and got it and it was everything you ever hoped it would be?
Thats when I laugh the loudest.

Have you ever walked in on someone doing something embarrassing?
hell no, way to self conscious for that.

Have you ever just starred at yourself in a mirror for a long time?
Yes, it's Canada for crying out loud.

Have you ever been torn between two people that made you choose between them?
All the fucking time XD

Have you ever been so confused, you just said fuck it and forgot all about it?
Yes. My veil... I was a beginner.

Have you ever really wanted to hate somebody to keep them from hurting you when you love everything about them? Even though you've never really been hurt before.
No. I have known hurt since I've been a little kid. I feel kinda lost without feeling it.

Have you ever aimlessly went to the fridge; just to check what was there, never got anything, but went to check it again in five minutes to make sure?
Vivid Fizz said:
No. I have known hurt since I've been a little kid. I feel kinda lost without feeling it.

Have you ever aimlessly went to the fridge; just to check what was there, never got anything, but went to check it again in five minutes to make sure?


Have you ever fracture your leg and worked through it?
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