have you ever.

Yeah, although I can't think of anything at the moment.

Have you ever had a really loving or really dirty song stuck in your head for a whole month, or more?
Yes. It eases the embarrassment especially if you add a humorous flair to it.

Have you ever mixed a bunch of soft drinks and had it turn out really good or really nasty?
I did that with my work soda, and it was fucking delicious.

Have you ever skipped work or school just because you were gaming all last night, had 2 hours or less of sleep, and just didn't want to go BECAUSE you wanted to game more?
Yes. With big things and little things(like long term effects and immediate small pain).

Have you ever been to the funeral of someone you didn't know or didn't know well?
No, but I've always thought about it. For some reason, the thought of having that silence with a large group of people makes me feel rather calm and secure. Despite the fact that there'd be a dead body in the room.

Have you ever laughed so hard something came out your nose?
Yeah, and it was carbonated. X_X

Have you ever run into a wall before? C'mon, I can't be the only one. D:
When I'm in an awkward position, I always just pull out my Ipod and play "What's new scooby doo" to make everyone giggle out of awkwardness. This never fails.

Have you ever been caught cheating on something? Like your SATs? >_>
H a r r i e t said:
I run into everything. xD

Have you ever gotten stuck in an awkward position, but didn't want to ask for help because you were embarrassed?

lmao. Absolutely. I'm a stubborn Libra. And a Long Islander. So I don't ask for help by any means. xD

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realized you were totally borne the wrong gender? x3
Ivy Walker said:

Have you ever tried waking someone who was walking in their sleep?

Yeah. It wasn't really the greatest experience. I got elbowed because he got pretty aggressive.

Have you ever done something you knew was going to piss somebody off just because you knew it would?
Messing with stupid noobs on x-box live and hearing them bitch xD

Have you ever aimlessly walked around the house because you were bored?
...Yes XD Very much yes XD And every time it was hilarious.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping in freezing cold water?
Battleship44 said:
...Yes XD Very much yes XD And every time it was hilarious.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping in freezing cold water?

Does going to a spa counts? done that on Saturday, first time of my life. But I didn't go to the uber cold pool >.> I went to the one at 40-50 F I think. But hey, outside the pools it was 35-40 F and slightly raining.

edit: No, never been to a wrestling match.

Have you ever felt so angry at the world for how human nature is, and felt alienated towards it?
Nobody can alienate me but myself. It's a neverending journey to find where I belong, not where everybody else wants me to be. It's paid off. <3

Have you ever felt a sense of belonging with somebody miles away? And felt completely comfortable trusting your heart to them?
I did about over a year ago, and got fucked over because of it. Fun times.

Have you ever made yourself out to sound pretty darn awesome, and then after a small pause, go "... nah. I just wanna sound cool."?
Totally, ha! Who hasn't?

Have you ever psyched yourself out, like when you're alone and it's dark and the door opens but there's nobody there?
Ivy Walker said:
Totally, ha! Who hasn't?

Have you ever psyched yourself out, like when you're alone and it's dark and the door opens but there's nobody there?

Yes XD I used to say my old parent's house had ghosts.. but you know, friendly ones. Nothing bad happened, just random doors opening by themselves, especially the front door. :p

Have you ever felt fascinated and attracted to someone but not in a loving way, and felt somehow unable to say anything interesting when you're with them?
Yeah, and I hate it so bad.

Have you ever picked at a scab but wound up ripping more than just the scab off?

Have you ever been sure of the date/day of the week and then when you find out you're on the wrong day it totally blows your mind?
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