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have you ever.

No. I'm a very self-conscious person. When I'm naked, that's practically the only thing on my mind.

Have you ever played a practical joke on someone and it turned out really bad?
Yes! Me! lol!

Have you ever read a book that you've read before but the second time you read it you totally didn't remember the first time reading it and thought it was a new book?
lmao, no.

Have you ever found out that somebody you put alot of faith in was lying to you, but knew that person didn't have malicious intent?
xWickedBlackLace said:
lmao, no.

Have you ever found out that somebody you put alot of faith in was lying to you, but knew that person didn't have malicious intent?

Yes, but it was only because he wanted to impress me and a find a way to connect with me, it just got out of hand.

Have you ever felt like your going to lose someone, and did anything you could to stop that from happening?
Yeeees! I did that a while ago, infront of my buddies. I was drunk, though XD

Have you ever met someone who was dorky and funny, yet that made them just that much sexier?
Hey. I have this scar on my left knee and I thought it came from this one thing but that was actually another scar on my left shin.

Have you ever washed a dish even though it just got washed, but was scared that the person did not do a good job?
Yes. Constantly. Apparently, my husband does not understand what the spongey side of the sponge is for and leaves many dishes "clean" of food but greasy.

Have you ever gotten cut off while driving on the road, gone to flip the person off and it turned out to be someone you know? I don't drive. Have no licenses.Sucks for me. :(

Have you fell out a tree and just as you was about to hit the ground you hit one more branch that save your life?
YES! My boyfriend when we were dating at first.. Had to choose the fish-shaped sandwich with tuna... <3

I realized this badass kung fu boy of a rock star geek wearing a leather trench coat and ryu's eyebrows had actually a very cute side.. X3 ~ <3

Have you ever felt not only love but also admiration and complicity with someone, feeling like this person was everything to you; a friend, a lover and an 'idol' at the same time?

Have you ever had a great song get stuck in your head but you couldn't remember the name of it, the artist, or even the vaguest sense of the lyrics?
There are sevral holes in my garage wall dedicated to being pissed off about songs, that includes your question xD

Have you ever attempted something completley out of your element, but felt perfectly okay because you had someone you love coaching you or helping you, or just standing there?
No. Not even joking.

Have you ever wanted to go to someone's home but did not have the urge to go because you was playing a kickass game?
No. I like my social life more than I like games.

Have you ever been exhausted, but didn't want to sleep because you didn't want to lose the day?
Yes! All the time! But I'm useless in a tired state, so I usually give in to fatigue and am better for it later.

Have you ever held something fragile(like a delicate bowl or figurine or an expensive camera), transferring it somewhere and thought a lot about how it's expensive and delicate and you have to be careful not to drop it and ended up dropping it?
oh god yes!
<------- biggest klutz EVER!

have you ever done something you normally wouldn't any other time b/c by doing so you were actually ensuring something good for someone you care deeply about?
Yup. Normally if I go out and get a drink I have a few drinks and lay it off for a few hours so I can drive home. My friend who was there got so hammered he couldn't drive. So I drove him home and the next day came back to get his car for him cause he had a hangover =P.

have you ever packed something and almost fill whatever your packing only to realize something you realized right then was at the bottom of it?
No. I don't pack stuff that much so I don't get that feeling.

Have you ever had to do a project but was to lazy to do it, but the day it was do you do it and winded up getting an "A"?
Yeah. I had a big essay that was due and I stayed up until 4 am playing video games and at 4:30, I stopped, did the assignment, and got an A+ on the paper. I passed the class =D

Have you ever put candy inside of a soda to see if it tastes better?
Yus. I put M&M's in Pepsi one time. I think 'cause one of my friends was doing it. It didn't really do anything.

Have you ever watched a movie that you haven't seen in years and got confused, or it was like watching a totally new movie because the way you remembered it was so different from the actual film?
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