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have you ever.

First off that was nasty as hell with the M&M's .

And yes I have done that before with this movie that I don't even remember the name now. Bol.

Have you ever been shot by a paintball gun in the ass or any other part of your body?
Yes. Unless if by randomly you mean unprovoked, I suppose not.

Have you ever forgotten groceries at the store? Like, as in at the checkout line forgot a bag?
nope...cant say I have....

Have you ever walked around naked in your house, just cause you knew that no one would be home for hours?

cute, cuddly, happy squirrel my ass.

Go in my fucking tent trying to eat my snacks will you!
Just cause I freaked out and ran out of the tent means NOTHING! RAWR!

Have you ever know???
Masturbated to photos of Rosy O'Donnell while a Mexican midget named Steve strangled me? Yeah, I've done that.

Have you ever walked to the bathroom multiple times in a row when you didn't need to do anything?
Vivid Fizz said:
Masturbated to photos of Rosy O'Donnell while a Mexican midget named Steve strangled me? Yeah, I've done that.

Have you ever walked to the bathroom multiple times in a row when you didn't need to do anything?

I do that alot with the kitchen too.

Have you ever wanted to see an oompa loompa nekkid?
I have seen one

Have you ever wanted to just to something insane, like jump off the bridge your looking off, or run straight into traffic...or even drop the hair dryer in the bathtub while your in it?
Yes, I'm actually really scared of all the possibilities of what I could do, while the only thing that stops me is what I choose to do. Somehow I freak out sometimes thinking about what I could make happen.

Have you ever been surrounded by many friends, a lover, were very popular and loved and thought you had good friends, and ended up a few years later with none of those?
That happened once by choice, because I realized that everybody just wanted something off of me. Most of highschool, I was just the cool person to talk to, so my friends were ultimately very fake. So I got rid of them and found new ones. :3 Better to have real people than fake people. No matter how long it takes to achieve that reality.

Have you ever just wanted to cut communication with everybody for a few days, come back with everybody mysteriously more mature?
happens all the time

have you ever sniffed your armpit in the middle of the day to check yourself?
Tathariel said:
happens all the time

have you ever sniffed your armpit in the middle of the day to check yourself?

No. xD Actually, my perfume is really I just smell Kat Von D's Saint all day.

Have you ever been obsessed with a song on the menu screen of a dvd but couldn't figure out what it is?
Yeah. I kept the movie on just to hear it almost anytime I can.

Have you ever bit someone and they did not know they were bleeding until later that day?
Yes~! Christ, especially the drunk ones.

Have you ever loved something one day, but tasted it again the next day and it wasn't like you remembered it?

have you ever going to the store to grab something small real quick, and end up coming home after spending hundreds of dollars??
Um... I went with my mom and she does that. Does that count?

Have you ever stolen something by accident and never took it back?
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