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have you ever.

Have you ever masturbated using something strange? (think American Pie or for ladies, like a flashlight or electric toothbrush)
Um.............. no, and I don't plan on doing so.

Have you ever had someone knock one of your teeth out?
Ivy Walker said:

Have you ever had a precognitive dream?

Yes, kinda, if you omit the things that were just random in the dream. But some elements were true and happened thereafter.

Have you ever had the inability to sleep for like, months?
Yes. I would go four of five days without any sleep, crash, and then come back again for another five days. I did that for a year. It was quite literally insane. Thinking back on the time, I made some interesting choices.

Have you ever completed something with flying colors you thought you'd be awful at?
Yeah, shooting a rifle.

First time, I passed my qualification test early in basic. 37/40 shots, thats a lot of dead people.
Tathariel said:
Yeah, shooting a rifle.

First time, I passed my qualification test early in basic. 37/40 shots, thats a lot of dead people.
Dude post a damn question next time. If not just leave.

Yes, I was playing with my moms drill in the bathroom and dropped it on the floor. I could not sit for the rest of the day.

Have you ever fought your friend just for the hell of it and after had a sandwich together?
I'm too peaceful.

Have you ever found out you had a million and two things in common with somebody you thought you would hate forever?
No, I don't have someone till they piss me the fuck off.

Have you ever chipped a tooth and people started to call you names because of it.?
Yes... I chipped it by falling on the driveway while chasing my brother with a pine cone.

Have you ever pulled a muscle doing something embarrassing?
Mindful Apprentice said:
Yes... I chipped it by falling on the driveway while chasing my brother with a pine cone.

Have you ever pulled a muscle doing something embarrassing?

No, but I fractured my leg on something stupid.

Have you ever been exhausted, but too eager to get your day started to sleep?
xWickedBlackLace said:
Have you ever been exhausted, but too eager to get your day started to sleep?

yes XD I kinda miss feeling like that actually ^^'

Have you ever wanted to reply to a "have you ever" but didn't because you had no idea what to ask?
No, but I have gotten a gutterball with bumpers on before. o3o;

Have you ever won something out of those skill crane machines?
Yes! It was a valentine's cupid bear, that sat on a plushy cloud. :3

Have you ever been playing baseball in your yard and had the ball go through someone's window?
Ivy Walker said:
Yes! It was a valentine's cupid bear, that sat on a plushy cloud. :3

Have you ever been playing baseball in your yard and had the ball go through someone's window?

>.> Can't say I have.

Have you ever been sooo tired but you didn't want to go back to sleep because you didn't want to waste the day? xD
I'm feeling that way right now as a matter of fact.

Have you ever checked out a library book and lost it, then found it again months/years later and never returned it?
Um... yes I have. I once found this Author book that I checked out when I was like 7 I found it when I was 15. I'm now 18 and still never took it back.

Have you ever been bit in the ass by a dog?
Mindful Apprentice said:
No, but I got my pants ripped.

Have you ever defended yourself against a dog that was trying to attack you?

No but I can picture you doing it. xD

Have you ever felt a bond growing with somebody and it warmed your heart when you realized their barriers were dropping for you?

Have you ever taken pictures of an event and then at the end realized your camera still had the lens cap on?
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