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have you ever.

Yess.. many times actually.

Have you ever gotten out of the shower, put on a towel, and spent the whole day in nothing but that because there was no reason to get dressed?
No. My house has a few windows without curtains.

Have you ever knocked over one of those stacks of food/merchandise that they sometimes have in the aisles at the grocery store?
No, but I clean up after people that do... I'm maintenance in a grocery store.

Have you ever been in bike accident where you flew over the handlebars and didn't get as injured as you thought you would?
Yes! Last summer I was riding my bike along our road here for the first time ever and got distracted by the nieghbors dogs running towards me. Apparently they were behind an invisible fence. I was near the edge of the road so as not to take up space, so when I finally looked back I was veering into the ditch. I froze as the bike wheel rolled off of road and plummeted, sending me flying over it. A few scrapes but nothing too serious except a heart in my throat, lol.

Have you ever gotten lemon juice in your eye?
No and I hope I never will.

Have you ever wandered around in an area you actually know well, but got lost anyway?
Yes! lol, in suburban America things can start losing their individuality.

Have you ever gotten new clothes and the first time you wore them did something to ruin them(like dropped food on them, accidentally tore them, etc.)?
Ivy Walker said:
Yes! lol, in suburban America things can start losing their individuality.

Have you ever gotten new clothes and the first time you wore them did something to ruin them(like dropped food on them, accidentally tore them, etc.)?

At least once a month. -_-

Have you ever indulged your inner-child?
More then my fair share.

Have you ever hacked your shcools computer just so you could do something not related to porn?
There's stuff on the internet other than porn? o_o :mrgreen:

Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Lol, no, thank goodness. They would've probably caught and ate me. (And I love your avatar, btw, Forever Unbreakable.)

Hmm... Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes I have! Only once, though. And it was with my best friend, which made things a little weird.

Have you ever been half asleep, and said something completely incoherent, and expected someone to understand you?
:D Most likely.

Have you ever danced with the devil, in the pale moonlight? :lol: Juh-ust kidding.

Hm... Have you ever flirted with a married man/woman?
[Raven] said:
:D Most likely.

Have you ever danced with the devil, in the pale moonlight? :lol: Juh-ust kidding.

Hm... Have you ever flirted with a married man/woman?

I have, in fact...danced with the devil.

In the pale moonlight.

And I have never flirted with a married man. Woman, maybe. xD j/k

Have you ever sang at the top of your lungs to an embarassing song, and knew that if there were a car next to you that you would surely be punched in the face?
Did the singing, never thought of the car. I only ever sing when I'm alone.

Ever been walking to somewhere, thinking of some bit of work or writing you had to do... and completely forgot what you were supposed to be doing or where you were going?
ArcturusV said:
Did the singing, never thought of the car. I only ever sing when I'm alone.

Ever been walking to somewhere, thinking of some bit of work or writing you had to do... and completely forgot what you were supposed to be doing or where you were going?

Yup! Even when I'm in my own house, I tend to forget why I was in the living room...

Have you ever loved an animal when you got it, but hated it as it got older...
Yes! A little wire terrier named Jenna. So cute as a puppy. Why did she have to grow up to be a freaking hyper psycho? :-(

Have you ever been in a restaurant and had you waiter/waitress drop your plate of food/trip?
It's the only time I do lie.

Have you ever had to booby trap your backyard against hoodlums?
No, but I did booby trap it for dogs.

Have you ever try to fight your siblings thinking that you can take them but got your ass kicked?
Lol, well I never actually thought I'd win, but yeah I've tried to fight and got my ass kicked in the process.

Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex?
[Raven] said:
Lol, well I never actually thought I'd win, but yeah I've tried to fight and got my ass kicked in the process.

Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex?

Yep. But I can't do the Bi thing. It isn't in me.

Have you ever done something you KNEW was a bad idea out of excitement?
All the time. Biking really fast between potholes in oncoming traffic in the rain.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping in your backyard in the middle the night, hoping the neighbors wouldn't see?
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