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have you ever.

Nope. Never had a pool.

Have you ever tried to go back to sleep because the dream you had was too awesome?
Oh yeah. My "nightmares" usually turn out in my favor. I love my violent imagination. I hate waking up before I'm done with them.

Have you ever been so hungry that you ate paper?
Yes, many times. But usually I like weird unexplainable stuff. It makes me all dreamy.

Have you ever hurt yourself and been more zen than the one who was supposed to help you?
XD I need more mystery in my life :p

No ._. Although I've seen from afar a guy that was lying on the ground after being hit by a car. Don't know if he was dead.

Have you ever lost enough blood in a short span of time that you almost fainted and fell to the ground? (Deep finger cuts do that, when you let them under the water for too long >.>)
the first time i donated blood i fainted. not b/c of the needle, but b/c of the blood loss. i stood up waaay too quickly afterward and.... slump to the floor. XD

have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
oh i didn't know that could happen! ô.ô

Yes, when I hated myself :/ I'm not doing that again tho.

Have you ever sang out loud in a public place? :D
me too, vespers. <3

and yes. quite frequently actually. but i'm also very confident in my singing abilities. i've had lessons and training and have done competitions and been in choirs, etc. so i know i can sing. lol.

have you ever fallen asleep while someone was talking to you? (and not on the phone, but in person)
Nope, I don't think I have anything with a designer label ^^'

Are you the happy kind when you're drunk? XD
I've done that far to many times not to be true.

Have you ever read something and then came back to read it again and found something new about it?
Yes. I was really bored...

Have you ever searched so hard for something, give up hope, then find out you're holding it?
I can't drive and don't drink alcohol at all, so no.

Have you ever felt guilty about something that you didn't actually do?
As Miss Lace would probably guess, yes.

Have you ever just stood there, letting someone go off on you despite knowing that you had nothing to do with it?
Yes >.> But I've changed ever since. I don't let people throw bullshit at me for no reason anymore.

Have you ever tried drugs? Something else than alcohol, tobacco, mari or meds.
yes i have when i was shaving a freind walks up behind me and scared the hell out of me so i cut my self

Have you ever been hit by a door when you were walking by
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