have you ever.

Heh, if you wanna consider a kitchen knife a weapon then yes. And also if you want to include a baseball bat as well.

Have you ever gotten your ass kicked in a fight, but didn't feel like you lost cause the ass kicking didn't really hurt?
Several times. I've "Lost" every fight I've ever had with a woman. I refuse to strike them, no matter how much they're kicking my ass. Often though I come out of it with just a few marks on me, not really hurting.

Have you ever cleaned and gutted your own animal?
Yes, my sister kept giving it to me. I never contracted it through any other reason.

Have you ever had security/police pull you aside/question you just because you're sick?
No, I don't really leave my house when I'm sick.

Have you ever had a dog bite your literally in the ass?
Yes, it was a vicious, evil mongrel which had bitten me five other times.

Have you ever done something so awesome, then realized no one was around to witness it taking the wind out of your sails?
Sadly yes, I was ridding my bike and I braked. The back wheel came up and I jumped off like a ninja. I tried to do it again but failed so many times.

Have you ever seen a snake rape the hell out of a mouse?
:shock: ...what.


Have you ever seen a question so strange, that you had trouble answering normally?
Yes, like this one. :lol:

Have you ever cracked your knuckles so hard that your whole hand started to hurt?
Yes, while drinking from a bottle of non-alcoholic wine. At least the label said it was non-alcoholic.

Have you ever jammed a finger to the point where you couldn't bend it for a few days?
Not but I've had slivers which did that to me to the point where I had to dig it free with a knife just to regain use of my finger.

Have you ever laughed because the nine fingered guy was trying to to tell you safety tips about the saws?
No. However, I once talked my way out of a public drunkenness, minor in possession and breaking and entering charge in under twenty minutes. I even got my hand shook after I got told to, and I quote, "Get your dumb ass home."

Have you had a moment or accident where one of your limbs was nearly crushed or mangled?
Hell NO. I never did anything that would put me in that much danger.

Have you ever tired to kick a ball but missed and your shoe flew off?
XD Yes. It's so embarrassing when there are people around to witness it.

Have you ever broken something valuable on purpose?
Um... does a parked car count? :oops:

Have you ever wrestled with your friends and later that day you look on your face and seen a scratch not remembering how you got it?
Crazy Shank said:
Um... does a parked car count? :oops:

Have you ever wrestled with your friends and later that day you look on your face and seen a scratch not remembering how you got it?

No. o.o

Have you ever had 20 ounces worth of energy drink in one sitting? :3
Hell yeah!! It did nothing to me. :lol:

Have you ever tried to take your shoe off standing up with your hands and fell just as you took it off?
Noo. I barley read as it is.

Have you ever felt that your eardrums were busted from listing to much music really loud?
No. I've never listened to music that loudly.

Have you ever overcooked something by following the recipe/directions exactly as they were written?
I believe I have...which led me to not cook exactly from recipes....

Have you ever scratched you hair to the point where it was sore?
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