have you ever.

NO! Why does everybody ask that question? Does something happen when you lick a battery?

Have you ever met somebody online that you just KNOW it would be a fulfilling friendship if you knew each other in person?
Yes! Had a friend, she lived 3 hours of driving away from me. I came to see her and spend a few days at her place, introduced her online to a couple of friends, then she came here too and stayed at my place. She fell in love with my best friend at the time, and went to live here with him, it was pretty awesome for a while! (but things changed after a few years)

Have you ever regretted how things happened although you know even if you went back in time you couldn't change anything?
Yeah all the time. Like when I moved from my home that I've been at for 9 years. I thought of so many ways to change that choice but I knew that it will all end in the same result me moving.

Have you ever eaten something that was in the cabinet for like weeks and some little ass kid came and asked you for some and you know for a fact that the kid knew that they were up there?
Yes....when I was smaller, I used to do it a lot. It doesn't hurt anymore lol

Have you ever wondered what it felt like to be a cat?​
No...no...can't say that I have. Who would do that? D:

Have you ever, whether on accident or on purpose, stuck your finger or some metal object in a light socket and electrocuted yourself?​
I have that is why. :lol:

I have never done such a stupid thing in my life. Have yo :? u!?

Have you ever ate a roach for the hell of it?
Yes...I wanted to know what would happen XD I think I killed a few brain cells in the process...lets say it was a bit...tingly :-D

And no..but I did eat a fly once for the hell of it.

Have you ever been curious or actually considered eating another human just to see what you would taste like? :shock:​
Only when I'm playing a game online because I'm still busting there ass while I'm sick.

Have you ever tried to steal but got caught in the funniest way?
Yes....I was underneath my sisters bed...and couldn't get back out...

Have you ever went to sleep, then woke up in the strangest position?​
Yes. I woke up with my covers on the floor pillow on my ass and the bottom part of my body hanging off the bed and had cum in my pants.

Have you ever had sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend while his/her parents were in the house?
No o.o;; still a virgin on this end

Have you ever said something, then five seconds later, what the hell you were talking about?​
Well good for you. >.>

Yes all the time. I would be talking to my girl and she would agree with me on something and I would ask her what did I say.

Have you ever told someone off and did not mean it?
No, I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I don't dabble in bull shit.

Have you ever made someone cry for the fun of it?
No...wait...once to my sister but she was being a bitch to me >>

Have you ever jumped off a swing set and instead of landing on your feet like you're supposed to, you land on your face?​
No, but I have fell on my back. It hurt like hell.

Have you ever attempt to hit someone with a rock but instead you hitting them with a rock you run into a wall?
Yes, when I was in kindergarten. Some idiot punched my arm and I ran after them with a good sized rock...stumbled and it the side of the school >.< it hurt and I had to go to the hospital because I thought I broke my nose

Have you ever purposely broke a bone in your body just to see what a cast feels like?​
Never... but I have popped my right arm out of my socket three times. So whenever I move my shoulder a certain way you can hear this popping sound that will make you feel sick.

Have you ever had your tongue stuck on a ice cube?
Yes, and it BURRRRNED D:

Have you ever gotten your head stuck someplace where you had to call the fire department to get you out?​
No, I don't go sticking my head were it does not belong.

Have you ever gotten into a fight and never even remembered what happen until someone told you?
Yep...blind rage as a matter of fact. Came to with a lock in my hand and some girl cowering on the floor. Didn't know what the hell I did.

Have you ever thought you were a fish and tried to inhale whatever your drinking by accident or on purpose?​
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