have you ever.

All the time. She looks as if nothing is even happening sometimes. :oops:

Have you ever tried to sneak onto a porn site with your parents in the same room?
Once, got curious of what one looked like. Almost got caught. Never been on one since.

Have you ever confused a guy for a girl, or a girl for a guy in real life then call the wrong gender?​
No, I have gay brothers and lesbian sisters. So I can tell the difference. Or I just look at the chest.

Have you ever played a game with someone and got pissed off because they kept fucking up?
YES God, my sister can't play any of the...well now 4, upcoming 5 halos nor any other FPS games worth a crap!!!

Have you ever injured yourself, or saw another person injure themselves, while playing Dance Dance Revolution? Cause i have ._.​
Yes. It was about a few years back I was at a arcade and I was dancing with some friends I fell off the rail and hit my head. After that I never played it. Until I meet my current girlfriend.

Have you ever lost a shoe and a few days later you found it and it was in some strange location?
Yes = n = lost my fricken shoe for JROTC and found it...it was sitting on top of my tall book case...dunno how it got up there...but it was up there

Have you ever put an article of your clothing on backwards, gone to school/work, and didn't figure out until you came home?​
Yes...soccer. Had to go after the ball because it went off field and I wasn't watching where I was going then BOOM! I hit the back side of a truck...it was funny but I went home with a bruise on my cheek and my back lol

Have you ever fallen out of been in your sleep and gotten stuck trying to get up? (Ie: like if your bed is next to the wall but not really touching it and you fall into there and can't get up.)
Yeah my a whole left side of my body was underneath the bed and my older brothers had to come help me. I was like six or seven at them time.

Have you ever tried to help someone play a game but they could not comprehend a damn thing you said to them?
Yes...tried to explain to my sister how to tell a rifle from a sniper rifle, and a pistol from a revolver on MAG/Resident Evil 5 and she just sat there and stared at me.

Have you ever tripped up the stairs?​
Yeah tripped up the stairs and fell down them as well.

Have you ever saw a chick that was so hot that you wanted to fuck but you had a girlfriend/was chick yourself?
I've gone almost 48 hrs without sleep. But me and my friend pretty much crashed at the same time.

Have you ever woken up at 5 in the afternoon and asked what the hell just happen?
woken up at 5 before, but i knew why. i had fallen asleep at 8 am, i was binge drinking.

Have you ever hated someone so much you wish they were dead?
Yes...my sister

Have you ever, when you were still in school, fell asleep in class and didn't wake up until 2-3 periods had passed?​
Yes....and damn was it a good fucking sleep. The teacher was pissed but...hell they should've woken me up.

Have you ever, fallen asleep in school way passed the class time and got security called on you, because they think you are taking drugs?
No o.o

Have you ever ran outside into your front yard buck naked in the snow and had the cops called on you for indecent exposure?​

Have you ever made an object fall(by accident), watched it drop, and say to yourself, "I could have prevented that..."?
yes >.< a grandmother (not grandfather, grandmother) clock my mother had...hit it with my shoulder and it broke...

Have you ever eaten a worm as a bet for money?​
Yes ^^ trying to write one now thats supposed to blow that damned Twilight series out of the water.

Have you ever woken up turned on by a strange dream?​
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