have you ever.

Lolz...good luck...all those damned hormonal teenage girls....will prolly dislike and or flame it if its too sophisticated. >.<;

Yeah....plenty of times.

Have you ever had a nightmare you couldn't forget?
Twilight needs to die...I mean, seriously. Vampires. Don't. Fucking. Sparkle!

Yes...it was one where I woke, and walked into the kitchen to see my father standing in front of my mother with a gun pressed to her head. My mother and father are divorced, but I remember in the dream, my mother crying and turning to me and saying, "Go back to your room." And so I would and I would hear my father say something and I would wake up before the gun actually went off...I've had that dream almost 4 times now, and I'm still afraid it will come true...

Have you ever read a book, then a week after finishing it, you can't remember what happened so you read it again?​
All the time. I have this one book that I've read at least seven times becuase I forgot what just happened.

Have you walked in heat that was 100+ just to look for a job?
Yes = n = it was horrible D:

Have you ever fell asleep on the computer and when you wake up, you find the person you had been talking to had received a bunch of jumbled letters and numbers as replies from you?​
Yeah. I looked back and seen that she asked me what the hell is going on.

Have you ever wished that you were born in a different time?
Sanguis Innocentium said:
Twilight needs to die...I mean, seriously. Vampires. Don't. Fucking. Sparkle!
Indeed...they don't sparkle....and act like complete pussies when a girl they are fond of walks into the room.

Yes...a couple rap songs I like...and...some children shows... XD

Have you ever watched a childrens show from your childhood, just to see if it were the same, or even to watch it period?

Like songs? Yeah, unfortunately, after a while some things just rub off.


Yes. I love doing that. I miss being a kid, terribly.

Have you ever wished that certain characters from a book were real?
Yes....it's sad when I realize they're too perfect to be real... XD

Have you ever felt as if you were watching a movie while reading a book?
Yes. I love reading, especially when the book is that good that you can actually visualize things so easily.

Have you ever wanted to be famous?
Never. I have wanted to do things that would logically make me famous, such as being an astronaut for example, but never desired the fame itself.

Have you ever done something stupid enough to injure yourself just to get a laugh out of someone?
No. I'm lucky enough to see people do dumb things willingly I suppose.

Have you ever been into an adult novelty shop before?
If you count spencer's...then yes.

Have you stolen from a friend before to watch them bitch about it, then gave it back after they were bout' to call the cops or do something drastic?
Nope. Only ever stole once in my life when I was 3 from a store, got caught right there, never did again.

Have you ever taken a heterosexual date to a gay bar?
Nope....I think I shall tho...to see their reaction. >.<

Have you ever had a really bad date, and actually had to tell your date the date sucked?
no. then again, my dates are few and far between. v.v

Have you ever been really attracted to someone, but got so irritated by their voice it just killed it?
metal-blood-fire said:
no. then again, my dates are few and far between. v.v

Have you ever been really attracted to someone, but got so irritated by their voice it just killed it?

David Draiman!!!! v.v


Have you ever synched your ipod to your laptop with it in the passangers seat on your way to work? xD
Sadly yes. If you want to count the bathroom of my school.

Have you ever tasted your cum just to see what it taste like?
Nope, I trust that it tastes like cum, whatever that tastes like.

Have you ever asked a stupid question for the sake of asking a stupid question?
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