have you ever.

So many that some people don't even bother to hear how many times becuase I remember almost all of them.

Have you ever tried to put your foot in your mouth just for the hell of it?
Yes...I suppose. I mean, not directly in my mouth, but at least over my head. If you could put it over your head then you could surely put it in your mouth.

You ever get so scared by someone that you accidentally punch/hit them?
Fancy_Brat said:
Many times.

Have you ever walked into glass, thinking a door was open or there was nothing there?


I was going to try and say no, but yes. ; - ; I gots a nose bleed.

Have you ever forgotten about an rp because you thought it was their post and it died? And you didn't realize it til like a week later...
Yes and it happened. The place almost broke me apart, but on the bright side, it had better fried chicken then Popeyes.

Have you ever lived off of ramen noodles and rice for at least a month, even though you had money to pay for a main lobster for the rest of your life?
Yes to the lived off it, no to the money. I am and always have been a poor schmuck.

Have you ever been shot in the face?
Quite a lot actually. Never get past that first one you know?

Have you ever seen a grown man run down the street, naked and soapy because you threw a harmless snake into his shower?
Yup, fight in fourth grade. Stabbed someone with a pen and drew blood with it.

Have you ever been hit on so obviously and directly that everyone could see it but you?
Once because the girl told me she liked the lines.

Have you ever had someone go out with just for a free meal?
Bad, yes. Not really far enough to call it a one night stand. Just last Sunday a girl brought me home to her pissed off boyfriend...

Have You Ever felt really bad for kicking someone's ass after he picks a fight with you?
Nope...I feel awesome...too awesome...But awesome nonetheless. >.<;

Ever rped with someone that was worse than someone who cybers all the time?
... sadly much too often on Gaia. Only sometimes it's good for a laugh when I went into a Slave/Master RP, bought a slave and then used them as a mobile human shield. I was banned for that RP.

Have You Ever found a really obsessive RPer that has just clinged onto you and is constantly seeking your approval for the horrible, horrible stuff they come up with?
Haha no thankfully. I don't hang out around those people.

Have you ever felt that kind of pain which is rather sharp but you can bear with, although it lasts for so long you can't withstand it anymore and it drains you?
Not quite. After Surgery was like that. I went from feeling practically no pain to feeling the full range of pain and so many things just hurt. And I was not used to it and it would just take it out of me.

Have you ever been stabbed by someone who was hugging you?
Yes...they had a pin in their hand and didn't notice as they poked me right in the stomach...so not kewl.

Ever been slapped so hard, a hand print was left?
Yes, often. My mother used to even twist her rings around so I'd get the stone imprints and extra impact as well...

Have you ever bled for so long you actually started to feel woozy?
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