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have you ever.

Ivy Walker said:

Have you ever taken pictures of an event and then at the end realized your camera still had the lens cap on?

Oh no. I would totally flip.

Have you ever watched somebody make signifigant changes to their lives and been so proud because you had something to do with it?
Yes, though I did not actually fall or go wildly skating around the room one footed on it.

Have you ever woken up feeling more tired than when you went to bed?
All the time,

Have you ever consecutively drank 12 soda cans, one right after the other?
The world should know how Tath REALLY feels.

(09:26:09) xWickedBlackLace: Tath is also banned from the have you ever thread until he learns to play it right. xD
(09:26:23) Tathariel: .....O-o
(09:26:31) Tathariel: .....I spaced ok???
(09:26:55) xWickedBlackLace: Twice?
(09:26:58) xWickedBlackLace: You spaced twice?
(09:27:15) Tathariel: only once!!!!
(09:27:18) xWickedBlackLace: Tath you did it 2x on one page. xD
(09:27:23) xWickedBlackLace: go look!!!!
(09:27:46) Tathariel: o_O.....I did....
(09:27:49) Tathariel: T_T
(09:28:20) xWickedBlackLace: Mnhm
(09:28:22) Tathariel: I NEVER NOTICED!!!!!! I GET CAUGHT UP IN THE MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

So don't be too hard on him. xDxD


There is no way in hell I could fit that much in me.

Have you ever had ice cream for breakfast just to treat yourself. :3
(fair enough. *puts away her pitchfork and torch*)

Yes! It's a delightful way to start the day! Vanilla tastes better right when you wake up anyways.

Have you ever been to a strip club and paid extra to go into the "VIP" room in the back for extra "personal" attention?
No. I've only gotten one lap dance by a stripper in my life and I ended up playing "Count the Track Marks" not "Watch the Ta-tas."

Have you ever felt like you were walking on the clouds?
Zombies Galore said:
No. I've only gotten one lap dance by a stripper in my life and I ended up playing "Count the Track Marks" not "Watch the Ta-tas."

Have you ever felt like you were walking on the clouds?

Yeah and I took an elevator to get there too xD

Have you ever felt like you should be doing something but can't pinpoint what?
Yes! It's a common, occasional feeling with me.

Have you ever gone ice skating on a frozen pond?
Ivy Walker said:
Yes! It's a common, occasional feeling with me.

Have you ever gone ice skating on a frozen pond?

YES!!! XD I didn't have skates. I fell alot.

Have you ever met somebody that impacted your day for the smallest reasons?
Yes. Right on the cuff of my trousers. I don't think anyone noticed, but I've been told I turned a very expressive shade of purple when I noticed.

Have you ever found out that you loved something you thought you would despise?
Yes! I do that regularly with movies and TV shows I refuse to watch or certain foods I refuse to eat and then on a whim or through peer pressure give them a chance and they become some of my favorite things.

Have you ever played flashlight games in the dark?
Sadly yes. I've been doing that all year and this is my last year in high school. My mom wants to fuckin' kill me.
Yeah! Eggtimer FTW.

Have you ever farted in a library, and worried yourself sick if anyone smelled it, and winced everytime you heard a cough?
Sorry about not putting a question last time.

No I have never felt that way when I broke wind in the library.

Have you ever took a piss then like not even 5 minutes later had to take another but it was longer then your last?
Mutilate someone's genitals. ...what? That's sexual...sort of. ... Just gimme the Klondike bar and quick fucking around!!!

Have you ever had someone read your diary/journal when you didn't say they could?
Yes. and it was rather fluent language about family when I was younger. I burned it and never kept another since.

Have you ever done something stupid just to try to get back at someone?
Yes. My super hero alias would be Excessively Mean Man. My motto would be, "Smiles to Tears in Under Sixty Seconds."

Have you ever verbally confronted someone with the express intention of making them cry?
Nope, never. ^^;;;

Have you ever accidentally made someone cry, and then felt awful about it, even though they deserved it?
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