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have you ever.

Nope. And for years I slept in one that had a futon underneath. Never once fell from the top bunk.

Have you ever had a bad experience traveling to another country?
Nope, only went to the US as of now, and by car, so..

Have you ever liked something but felt so uncool because of it ? Like you didn't want to have those tastes, but you do.
Vespers said:
Nope, only went to the US as of now, and by car, so..

Have you ever liked something but felt so uncool because of it ? Like you didn't want to have those tastes, but you do.

...I take pride in what I like from the trendy to the corny. xD It can be good to be a cheeseball.

Have you ever met somebody that seemed okay at first...but just grew on you like that ugly, fat tumor that just won't go the fuck away.
Yes. I think I'm a magnet for these types of people, or all my relationships devolve into it.

Have you ever felt completely alone in the world but content?
YES. lol. Telling myself I was too awesome for the world, hahah.

But then loneliness hits you. No one wants to be by themselves, not that there's nothing to do, on the contrary I have so many projects in mind, but I don't like not being able to share anything because everyone else is different.

Have you ever felt like you could understand even the complete opposite of yourself?
Yes, I have. I've always been attracted to psychology and the like, explaining away and reasoning through the mental workings and what makes people tic. Even someone who was my complete opposite, I could find something to agree and empathize with.

Have you ever thought you'd thrown away something important and searched through the trash, not found it, and been dismayed, thinking it was long gone, only to have it turn up somewhere safe later on?
Yes, how comforting!

Have you ever wanted to have a fireplace in your home just to be able to burn down all the crazy shits that you receive by mail everyday?
Yes, actually.

Have you ever hated on something and then later on it becomes one of your favorite things?
Ivy Walker said:
Yes, actually.

Have you ever hated on something and then later on it becomes one of your favorite things?

Yes. >.> I probably do that weekly.

Have you ever met somebody with an infectious personality, swore you wouldn't catch it, but found yourself saying their small phrases?
H a r r i e t said:
No. I prefer more violent methods.

Have you ever eaten so much of something that you hurt?

...That poor bowl of noodles...

Have you ever got into a song in the middle of the street, and burst into air guitaring/drumming while people pointed at you like your the ultimate douche bag?
Not while listening to a song, but me and a few friends have a habit of breaking into musical numbers in public.

Have you ever broken into a musical number in public?
Hero said:
Not while listening to a song, but me and a few friends have a habit of breaking into musical numbers in public.

Have you ever broken into a musical number in public?

-dies- Last night at work. Oh my god, everybody was doing it by the end of the night.

Have you ever been on the phone with somebody and had a ghost of a feeling that they were actually beside you?
No. The lack of a physical presence is always foremost in my mind when talking with someone over the phone, and I've never tricked myself into thinking/feeling otherwise.

Have you ever eaten a banana with the peel still on?
Rofl, no?

Have you ever thought something was so stunningly beautiful, the though of something not so great touching it broke your heart a little?
H a r r i e t said:
GOD, you are such a sap.

Have you ever inhaled and swallowed a bug?

-slaps Harriet with his cawk-
And yes, accidentally XD

Have you ever tripped over something and looked like a dumbass infront of someone you wanted to impress? XD
:shock: ...No... Sounds like an experience though.

Have you ever clicked on someone's name in IM and sent them a message that you meant for someone else but sent to them by mistake?
Yes. I was pissed somebody may have stole my coach sunglasses earlier. so pissed.

Have you ever been caught singing at work because you were so damn happy, then hid somewhere to type about it on a forum? >.>
xWickedBlackLace said:
Yes. I was pissed somebody may have stole my coach sunglasses earlier. so pissed.

Have you ever been caught singing at work because you were so damn happy, then hid somewhere to type about it on a forum? >.>

Only you do that, silly<3

Have you even been left home alone as a kid, and got scared shitless?
...No. xD I left little tape recorders around the house and checked to see if i was REALLY alone. I got excited <3

Have you ever hated somebody, but loved the sex?
xWickedBlackLace said:
...No. xD I left little tape recorders around the house and checked to see if i was REALLY alone. I got excited <3

Have you ever hated somebody, but loved the sex?

I'm pretty sure everyone goes through that at least once. But, it's good, y'know. Hates sex can be awesome.

Have you ever forgotten that you weren't properly clothed and went into room where a housemate could see you?
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