have you ever.

On more than one occasion, and sometimes some of the stuff is years before it happens. .-.

Have you ever made a plot on the spot only to realize you found it in a book?
nop but found a anime like it

Had you ever dreamt of numbers and then found out that they were the lottery winner?
several times. but i have to thank my family and my girlfriend for keeping me on the right track.

Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? [[i know, a tad bit dark]]
Ehm, not really. Maybe been tired of life sometimes but never wanted to kill myself

Have you ever been to a party and ended up in the closet, just like being locked away and carn't get out?
Not alone.

Have you ever eaten something amzing and then cursed its distributor for not making enough for everyone in the world?
Yes, there will never be enough pancakes for everyone *QQ*

have you ever hummed a song and decided to write it only to find out it has already been made?
many times.
Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs because you were so caught up in the conversation you were having on the phone?
Have you ever randomly thought about burning down a building with the people inside it becuase at the time it made you laugh and you had a lighter?
Yes. Tonight. Well.. minus the people i guess. It was abandoned.

Have you ever had a naughty dream about someone you don't find attractive?
yes it had strawberry syrup on it becuase it feel in my icecream

Have you ever had a moment where everyone around you ould easily question your sexuality including your self?
sadly no
have you wanted to just stay in bed all day due to the weather but someone of the oposite gender dragged you out and thankfully was really cute/sexy
No, never happened, probably never will

Have you ever been chased by a chicken?
On my tenth birthday I did. I mixed together I think, coca-cola, root beer, orange soda, sprite, and chocolate syrup and then my friend started making me laugh for about fifteen minutes straight. It stung a little but it was so funny.

Have you ever been at one of those self-check out machines and for the life of you the barcode would not scan?
Yeah. I threw the jar.

Have you ever wanted something REALLY badly that belonged to someone else and they were completely unwilling to give it to you.. or even share?
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