have you ever.

Nope, i dont believe in ghosts but damn does it get spooky at times o.o
(used to live up the street from a graveyard)

Have you ever dyed your hair some odd color?
YEEEEP it was embarassing x___x

Ever wished you could steal away someones girlfriend/boyfriend just for the gratification of knowing you could?
Pffft, that was the most of my young life~ yep =w= seems to be my curse~

ever had a cat walk on your keyboard? o.o

(just had it happen XD )
i think i had some sort of evil run in with bouncy balls once XD

ever had someone call you and want to have a conversation, even though it was a wrong number?
All the damn time.

Have you ever had someone just drop an RP on you without warning OR explanation and then proceed to post in other RPs leaving you pissed off and annoyed that they didn't have the balls to say something to you?
all the damn time, i tend not to talk to said friends for a while afterwards x__x

have you ever wished you could teleport random places?
Yes! I have!
But I didn't know it was a grave and I felt apsolutely awful after. D;
(It was a grave without tombstone in a yard and my friend was like, "You're dancing on my great-uncle) or something like that, I wa so embarassed but we laughed it off.

Have you ever gotten stung in the eye?
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