have you ever.

Hell yes, I have friends from many religions.
I've tried some pretty wacky stuff.

Ever gotten a phone call from the wrong number, but the person who called is convinced you're the right person he/she was trying to call?

Happened to me, dude thought I was his daughter and him my father. He went on for 15 minutes. =_=
FFFF, yeah omg, more with texting though... -__- apparently my phone number used to belong to someone named James, and people just WILL NOT, stop asking for...JAMES....usually if they text i just say wrong number, hope you find him. And send them on their way but this ONE dude, was sooo convinced i was his friend playing a joke on him he wouldn't shut up until i called him and went DUDE do i SOUND like James~!? no? gtfo my phone =/

have you ever had to call the cops?
yes... unruley people on highway... don't like it when I close down the interstate.

Have you ever been so physically exhausted that you couldn't stop moving otherwise you might fall asleep, BUT your mind was still going like freight-train?
Karate class, i was too tall to be in the kids class (and too irritated with children) i had to go in the adult class and spar the ENTIRE time with dudes like, more than half my size with arms like tree limbs...i couldn't stop cuz if i did i would get my ass handed to me x__x

Ever felt like you were supposed to be born in another time?
Every second, of every minute, or every hour, of every day.
Not kidding.
I'm am not on the same page as my friends, or anyone else for that matter.
I know shit I don't know how I find out, and the maturity level of classic young people drives me apsolutely insane.
I am not suposed to be in this time, I know it. -.-

Have you ever dreamed you were a Superhero? (I WAS SPIDERMAN ;D)
Yes, but not comic villain, real life villain.
Like a murderer.

Ever lose your keys or forget them and try to sneak-break in to your house but have a neighbor think you're a burglar and call the cops?
No, but had a neighbor come into the yard with a baseball bat late one night while I was breaking into my house.

Ever come home to find a burglar inside your house?
No, but I've had several dreams of that.
I beat the shit out of them in every dream.
They never leave like they came.

Ever gotten something stolen, but you personally found the stealer? (Like in person)
Yup - that was my excuse 'it got stolen!' ;P

Ever thrown a rock at someone's face, just for the sake of throwing a rock at someone's face?
lol, no, but i do have a lot of people i'd LOVE to do that to XD

ever randomly threw on clothes and noticed that they were all color coordinated by pure accident? XD
It even matched my makeup but I didn't notice until my friend complimented me! Haha!

Ever accidentally flash someone you really don't want to flash?

Have you ever wanted to get so drunk that you eventually strip down and tell all nearby strangers to have their way with you?
Not a pole, but I have gotten my tongue stuck to the inside of a storage freezer while trying to lick the ice as a child.

Have you ever had a dog hump your leg?
I have. Have you ever hugged someone just to feel them against you (such as that girl with the nice breasts)?
Yes. That used to be my "move". Sittin' in a car or on the couch, start to tickle her and soon, when our faces are close, look in her eyes and see if a kiss is appropriate.

I was wrestling with a girl in college. We were standing by the laundry mat and I took her bracelet, watch or something, just joking around. We started to wrestle for it and soon we were making out.

Have you ever stolen anything from a laundry mat?
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