have you ever.

Yes. Scared the hell out of me.

Have you ever gathered chain, walked a mile to the store in the middle of the night, and bought a pack of cigarettes all to settle a friends nerves only to be told that it's not the brand they smoke? -_- If so, what was your reaction?
never. I think when you been smoking long enough and hang around enough smokers, you never go out to buy someone a pack of cigs unless you are 100% sure you know what they want AND what they accept as a back up
but my reaction would be to start smoking it and saying how good and relaxing it was....cause I'm a dick like that xD

Have you ever done something very embarrassing in front of someone you had a crush on? if so, what was it?
Yes. Who hasn't?

I had a crush on a co-worker a few years back. It was snowing out and at the time I didn't have the best working vehicle in the world. When pulling into our parking lot i spun out and did a 180 on accident before slamming my back bumper into a stop sign near the walkway way.... which she happened to be standing infront of.
Felt like an ass. She was wide eyed at first before giggling something along the lines of 'that was cool ! '
So I got off the hook but still was embarassed. If she had stepped out a little bit sooner or I had come in a little later... it would have been bad.
hiddenvet you forgot to ask a question, so ill post one..

have you ever hooked up with someone from craigslist?
eatabean2001 said:
hiddenvet you forgot to ask a question, so ill post one..

have you ever hooked up with someone from craigslist?

Never hooked up with someone from craigslist, but I found my last band there.

Ever found someone so attractive, you had a tough time believing they were real?
Not in person, no, and pictures usually aren't.

Have you ever reached into a dark bathroom with just your fingers to flick on the light before you enter, just because it's creepy in there?
Yes. I also admit to jumping when the over head vent kicked on when my hand was inside around the corner of the door... felt like something was breathing on it.

Have you ever had to duck to avoid a thrown object at your place of employment or place of staying during the majority of the day?
Yes, a guy at my work seems to find it funny when he throws stuff at us from behind. Most of us have learned to expect random objects to fly at the back of our head by now. >_>

Have you ever fallen asleep in the shower?
Not to my knowledge. On the other hand...ahem..

Have you ever accidentally hugged a stranger thinking it was your friend only to be mistaken?
Have you ever seen someone about to do something stupid and decided not to say anything cause your evil and you like to watch bad things happen to people?
2AM_Club said:
hiddenvet said:
More than once.

The results weren't the best.
-nudge and whispers- ask another question, hun.

I apologize once more.

Kravin5150 said:
Have you ever seen someone about to do something stupid and decided not to say anything cause your evil and you like to watch bad things happen to people?


Have you have suddenly had the urge to do something horrific to someone ?

(( going and passing out now... ))
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