have you ever.

Yes, later it was a mix of entertaining and embarrasing.

Ever earn a 'quote'? Where if someone wanted to explain who you are, they'd quote something you said infront of a group of people.
Every time a situation involves people I don't give a shit about.

Ever been taken advantage of in such a way you lost faith in humanity?
No. Letting one's desires control them is weakness in my eyes. Indulgence, not compulsion.

Ever looked at someone while you were talking and walking with them only to smack into a pole?
Not fallen really... more like accidentally wandered. I got bruised up pretty badly as I ended up being shoved into a wall. Several times.

Have you ever you ever had someone intentionally throw something at you?
LOL! Outside? No. Inside? Yes. But not on purpose! XD I is shy like that....

Have you ever tripped on something and then laughed so that others wouldn't laugh at you instead?
yes. " Damn graphics have gotten better since elementry school."

Ever find something absolutely funny and couldn't control your laughter, that everyone else around you thought was morbid, sick, or wrong ?
Yes. I learned about the Blood Eagle which was a very old style of ritualistic revenge killing. I thought it was hysterically awesome, not everyone did. <.<

Have you ever been so obsessed with a TV show that if the most beautiful person- man or woman- had propositioned you with sex, you would tell them you were busy?​
once.... Didn't help that I no longer had a t.v. quick and painful lesson.

Have you ever woke up in the middle of no where, with no idea how you got there and no one who knows you able to even guess how it came to be?
Yes! We were on trying to get to Vegas and got horribly horribly lost. I was the only one who knew were I was going and I fell asleep. I woke up and we were like 400 miles in the wrong direction and one of my friends was crying... I was like The fuck?

Have you ever been seriously injured but ignored it for the sake of not sitting in the emergency room for 6 hours only to have the problem get worse 6 hours later and you end up going anyway twice as bad as what you started?
yes. Note to self: Singing the metal version of 'golden girl's' theme song isn't something p.c.
(reference to Betty white on SNL)

Have you ever been in a situation where driving like a bat out of hell was your only solution?
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