Have you ever gotten so giddy over getting a special character in your party in an rpg, you were happy for 2 days? If so, what game/character? (SMT Nocturne, Dante from DMC, for me)
Have you ever driven somewhere to do something very specific that require you bring an item with you (this can be any item and for anything) and then realized that you forgot the item needed to complete the task you set out to do?
Have you ever had a nightmare about Aliens? (I'm not talking grays, but the black eyeless ones that act like giant army ants. From the 'Alien' series. )
Have you ever had a group of friends that really brought out the adventurous side of you? I mean, these are the people you randomly go on road trips with, re-enact stunt scenes from Death Proof car, pranks thinly veiled as performance art. Things you would not normally imagine yourself doing.
Yes. One of my best male friends came upon my roleplay, and told me that it was very "Detailed". I never gave him my Gaia account password ever again >.>
Ever got a death threat by your girl/boyfriend's friend, just for the subject of cheating? Example:
Me: I would never cheat on her.
Friend: Good, because I would kill you if you did.