have you ever.

Hahaha, nope! I don't drink coffee.

Have you ever been so turned on at work, that you had to masturbate in the toilets?
HAHA! Yes. I didn't sleep for 4 solid nights. The first night I was having a gaming marathon, the second I was drinking around my mates, the third night we went out and got pissed and came back and kept drinking, the fourth and final was my friends 20th, so we went to a big club and I SWEAR TO GOD, I saw the music! XD

Hummm... Have you ever hated someone so much that you actually gain satisfaction from mentally killing them over and over again! XD
Sad, but true... yes. Yes, even this quiet one can seethe and strongly dislike someone to a point of irrationality. Though, I find it more rewarding to fantasize over their torture rather than their death. >.<

Have you ever wished you were someone other than who you are?
Oh hell yeah. Lots of times. Humiliation sucks... and to be able to just vanish during such times would be nice.

Have you ever cried in public? And a wake or funeral doesn't count!
I have never done that. I keep my feelings locked up so others don't see.

Have you ever said you didn't like something, but you actually did?
No, not really. I'm not really ashamed of my likes and dislikes all that much. If people think my likes are silly or stupid that's fine, so long as they don't take it out on me. If they do, it tells me something about their character.

Have you ever gotten so wrapped up in a video game that you found yourself somewhat emotionally attached to the characters (ie concerned for them, etc etc as the game's story unravels)?
Too many times. I do games technology and I do it too many times. The one person I got most attached too was Leon in RE4 XD

Have you ever listened to a song or a band that just make you go all teary?
Yep... a lot!!!!!! XD

Have you ever gotten so engrossed in something (can be anything really) where you not only lost track of time, but forgot to eat as well?
Yes yes and yes! XD
I have done that for games, TV shows, Music, Books, RP's! Haha.

Have you ever been with someone considerably older or younger than yourself?
HAHA!! Me too. XD

Does a 6 year age bracket count for considerable?

Have you ever eaten something weird or something you know you hate out of politeness to another?
{Yah, you can count that as considerable.}

I have yes, I just don't want to seem rude! ><

Have you ever broken up with someone, but regretted it from the day you did?
No. He deserved to be ousted in every way, shape and form. And then some.

Have you ever stayed with someone when you knew you needed to break up with them, that is, you stayed out of guilt and worry?
Only for a little bit, as she was having a rough few days, so I didn't want to add to it.

Have you ever worked out so much that you felt so good, then completely forgot about it later and ate something unhealthy? XD
LOL! Yeah. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I have to indulge every so often or I go nuts. It's a good thing I exercise quite a bit or else I'd be in trouble! XD

Have you ever stuck up for someone knowing full well that by doing so people would probably turn on you?
Yes. I stick up for my friends no matter what.

Have you ever been so turned on, you just couldn't stop yourself? XD
Well.... I'm going to take it to mean that you couldn't stop yourself from having to relieve the arousal.
The answer is yes.

Have you ever been embarrassed to ask your partner to indulge you in one of your kinks, even if you know they won't judge you?
No... thankfully. XD
I has an understanding partner.... ;)

Have you ever indulged your partner their kink even if you weren't overly thrilled about it?
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