have you ever.

Yup, back when I had the pox. Side note: I've NEVER seen anyone trip over their shoelaces, despite hearing that it'll happen if you don't lace up correctly. I don't think it's actually possible.

Have you ever kept squishing a bug, over, and over, and still see it feebly trying to crawl away, still alive, no matter how much you swat it?
Yes.... I hate when bugs just won't die, and that seems like a lot. (I've tripped over my shoelaces before, just putting that in there. It was not fun.)

Have you ever sat and stared at something, for no reason at all for more than five minuets?
Only when I'm thinking about something cerebral and just staring at a spot because I have no need to look anywhere else.

Have you ever got another account somewhere online just to fuck with people you know?
sort of, i got a friend to send naked pictures of herself once. it was pretty funny, turns out she was into some kinky shit!

have you ever done something that for sure would have won you ten grand on americas funniest videos......if only it was on tape (you gotta say what it was too lol}
Not counting things like wild pitches in baseball, including one where I caught the catcher not wearing a cup? Those used to win often enough, but I never got a video of that.

Have you ever done something so badass it would lead to fame, if only you had visual evidence?
high school prank fame. :) for my senior prank, i did something on my own. the other seniors did something stupid, they filled the school with thousands of helium balloons. my older cousin was a welder. He & I welded the doors shut. it was great.

have you ever eaten a live goldfish
In biology class I was paid ten dollars to eat a live one. Totally worth it back then.

Have you ever forgot a word when you needed it for something really important, then remember it like ten minutes later?
Nah, but I have missed one for about two minutes on the job site. Problem being that just about every third person has a different name for the same thing. One guy's Skilsaw is the other guy's Worm Drive is the other guy's circular saw sort of thing. Nevermind slang that evolved on the site because someone couldnt' grasp the actual name like "houdakai".

Have you ever had a random flash of genius, but found yourself unable to get other people to follow your example even as they struggle with the (now) obsolete way?
Yes, actually I have. Like going to a store that has less expensive food. But the other person is lazy and goes to the store closest for expensiver food stuffz. xP

Have you ever thought of drowning someone due to their stupidity?
Yes. I took a walk in the back of the woods and saw a bunch of ticks on me. I freaked out and stripped my clothing and ran inside.

Have you ever used food in a sexual way?
Cherries and whipped cream ^^

Ever woken up someone by yelling out a cuss word while you were playing a game?

Yeah, actually.
Playing Silent Hill while high with a few buddies.

Have you ever just wanted to beat someone senseless with a Lightsaber?
Lightsaber, metal bat, other things. If the lightsaber were a real working one... it wouldn't be beating to death so much as hacking up to little pieces. >_>

Have you ever gone skinny dipping anywhere other than your own pool? :eek:
We actually have public pools for that here. So yes, quite a few times.

Have you ever been out of your home country? If so, where?
England, France, Switzerland and Germany. Mind you I was only in France and Germany a few hours, and in England only a night. Gotta love missing the plane.

Have you ever kissed someone in the dark and it wasn't who you thought it was?
Oh, how I do. I've missed planes before ~<3

Hrm. Actually, yes. That was before I got engaged. I had been dating a boy who had a twin, and they really enjoyed playong tricks on me. Ehh.

Poster below moi. Let's get semi-personal, bby. At what age would you say you grew knowledgable about sex? By your own means or through school or parents or whatnot.
lol that is wrong in so many ways on your boyfriends part.

Mmmm... probably when I was either five/six (can't remember the exact year, and I really won't go into this) or when I was eight depends on your definition of knowledgeable.

Have you ever thought a family member of yours was sexy?
Shamelessly, yes. He's somewhere between a third and fourth cousin. Nothing like my usual type, though. A bit countey, with a cute accent and an attractive face. Plus, he's an automechanic. c:

Have you ever broken a bone?
Wow mind if I have his number. ;)

I've broken my pinky :(

If you had to be placed in prison but you were allowed to choose the location where would you go?
I would choose to be under house arrest, because then I could still roleplay with you guys :D

Have you ever multitasked with up to 5 items? Example: Video game console, food, music, movie, Handheld game
That I have~ A few times.

Hav you ever woken up in the middle of the night, feeling as if you NEEDED to do aomething? (i.e. for me, it's baking. )
only waking up in the middle of the night with a need to piss o3o

Have you ever thought "No good could possibly come from this in the long run." before doing something, but did it anyway?
oh dear, yes, i do it ALOT

have you ever considered your self as a dancing hamster?
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