have you ever.

YES!! in hawaii XD my girlfriend pee'd on me... yeah xP it was kinky :D

Have you ever run through town free running? (i tried... fell about six times XD)
Does my roof, dog, and best friend count?

Have you ever gotten so pissed at an electronic you threw it out the window? ( I have... so many times -__-)
Nope, so far whatever I hit for that reason broke :D... unless it was a person then yes :D

have you ever wondered what it would be like to go to china to learn to fight from some badass old guy?
No, only bone I've ever broken - knock on wood - is a little toe.

Have you ever said something that, two seconds after you said it, you desperately wish you could take back?
Nope. Truth sets you free. Now three minutes after I said it... sure.

Have you ever seriously contemplated calling in sick just because you're too damned drained to go to work?
Well, in high school a kid broke his collarbone and it stuck up out of his skin.
If that's horrible then yes. o:
There's always walking in on your roommate too...

Have you ever snapped yourself with a rubber band on accident while trying to hit someone else ?
Yes, in high school. I wanted to do that gun shot thingy, and it hit me in the face.

have you ever been so hungry that when you finally got food, you bit your finger while feeding yourself?​
nnnnope, but i bite my self in the lip cause i eated to fast

have you ever wondered how it would be to be be trapped in a giant sticky marshmallow?
I had a nightmare like that, I work as a chef and we just added smores to our menu....so many friggin marshmellows.

Have you ever been a room with a bunch of people, and claimed a fart that wasn't yours?
No? O3O;

Have you ever gotten a phone call while in a public bathroom, and then accepted it?
indeed i have, twice actually

have you ever had a epic electric fly swatter fight?
yes i have had burn marks on my arm for a week

have you ever ripped your pants in front of every one
yes, atleast 2 times every week, no idea why though

have you ever been to a concert, and just realized, than you forgot why you was to it?
Can't say so, if what you ment by was was went. Though I did go to a professional wrestling show on a whim, no particular reason, and wondered why I decided to go about halfway into it.

Have you ever actually tripped on your own shoelace?
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