have you ever.

oh... my... WOW!

have you ever worn 45+ SPF sunblock, wore a long sleeve shirt, pants and a hat, not to mention gone late enough in the day that the sun was lower in the sky, at a beach and STILL gotten sunburn?

Have you ever tried to reply to a post just to see three people have posted since you clicked the Reply button?
Sadly as you may consider it, yes, way too often. Just too much of a hopeless romantic at heart. Emphasis on the hopeless part.

Not out of boredom, but often out of needs of hte story.

Have you ever been to Cedar Rapids, Iowa?
sort of... it was the automatic trunk of the van. i accidentally hit the button and it came down at me, made me fall. and b/c of where it hit... black eye. XD

have you ever been to hawaii?
Nope, never left the continent unless you count about 200 yards into the pacific ocean.

Have you ever just seemingly randomly started chuckling aloud remembering some silly moment from your childhood?
yep. hehehe...

have you ever tried to see how long you could withstand the heat from a candle flame by holding your hand above it?
Once when I was younger. I actually got a burn going on my hand before I pulled it back. Not from pain, but just because I could tell I was getting burned. Pain Immunity plus Chef Experience.

Have you ever asked what you thougth was a perfectly reasonable question that just made someone go "What... the fuck?"
Hmm, not really because I have no real emotional attachment to hair or appearance for hate to truly be an appropriate word. Have ones that look bad? Yes, every single haircut I've ever had other than ones so minimalistic that it is really impossible to make them look bad, like a flat top high and tight.

Have you ever actually liked to wear something that almost everyone else around you hated, hated so much they actually plotted to take it away and permanently dispose of it?
no. lol.

have you ever bought shoes you thought would be comfortable when you tried them on. but when you brought them home and started to really wear them you were like... OH SHIT WHY?
Yeah, with some work boots. But comfort is not as important as making sure my foot isn't injured.

Have you ever bought something labeled as preshrunk then found out it was a lie?
Often enough that I give up and just buy everything from Value Village for now.

Have you ever wanted to go to Vietnam/Korea just for the cheap custom hand crafted tailoring excellence over there? I mean come on, you could get some sharp, excellent clothes for 10 bucks over there. xP
lol. not for the clothes, but for the cultural experience. especially korea. for obvious reasons. lol.

have you ever wanted to get a piercing or tattoo and then had someone talk you out of it?
Nope, I do believe in a sort of purity of the body ideal. No piercings, no tattoos, though I have had people try to talk me into it.

Have you ever been ordered to change you appearance for work?
*hides tat and piercings* lol.

no. but when i was working, i was a scientific researcher. no one cares what lab/science people look like. like ever. lol.

have you ever worked with someone who was so incompetent you wondered how they got the job in the first place?
Every day. His name is Jon. ;)

Have you ever realized you had to leave... Right now?! DAMMIT!
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