have you ever.

A sexy female roommate that would fulfill my every desire? Yes, I wish for a roommate on a daily basis. What, you meant just a run of the mill roommate? No, I enjoy living alone in that case.

Have you ever...been driving along the highway and driven past a car on the side of the road that clearly had a couple going at it in the back seat?
not a highway, but a residential road...then did it with someone in a car a block away!

have you ever walked in on someone and thought nothing of it?
alwayslearning said:
not a highway, but a residential road...then did it with someone in a car a block away!

have you ever walked in on someone and thought nothing of it?

>.> Depends on what they were doing...

Have you ever worked with a lady that sings and gives personalities to inanimate objects?
yes. her name was carmen. She would pet her oranges at work every day. Crazy waitress.

Have you ever been so annoyed by someone's voice you wanted to beat your head against a wall?
Yes and I've done that way to many times to count. People tend to think that I lost to many brain cells in the process.

Have you ever cut/stab yourself but was never hurt by it?
Yes o.o Accidentally cut myself with a knife while dicing onions...didn't really hurt.

Have you ever run into a wall you SWORE up and down wasn't there before?
YES. It made me ascurred. T~T

Have you ever wanted to SEX ME UP? Nahjk.

Have you ever hurt yourself playing a videogame? (Not wii.)
Playing my PS3 I beat a boss and threw my hand up, whacked myself right in the face with the controller.

Have you ever yanked out a patch of your hair because you got caught in a knot ?
I got my head stuck in a door once. It involved frat boys and bungee chords. -3-;

Have you ever tried to jump into a pool and hit the cement instead?
On several occasions, yes.

Have you ever hit an inanimate object while driving?
-_____- No. If you have, then I envy you, and hope to do so some day.

EW. Have you ever heard your parents in bed. Gross. It totally ruins everything. Your appetite, mood, will to do anything but just GET AWAY from them. It's gross. Lol.
yes .-. sleeping and I heard them. slammed my fist against the wall and they stopped XD

Have you ever liked a picture that other people hated?
[Raven] said:
-_____- No. If you have, then I envy you, and hope to do so some day.

EW. Have you ever heard your parents in bed. Gross. It totally ruins everything. Your appetite, mood, will to do anything but just GET AWAY from them. It's gross. Lol.
only once. it was amazing

Yes. She annoyed the fuck out of me.

Ever been so hungry, something you don't normally like tasted amazing?
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