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have you ever.

No, I still love mine. ^^

Have you ever had your hair cut by a hairdresser and didn't like the result?
Yes, and of course I said I loved it but cried later at home

Have you ever been told by a stranger how much they loved something about you? Like your clothes, hair, etc?
Yes. A girl told me she loved my eyes when I was 14. I have no idea still why.

Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
Nope. That shit hangs around your neck forever. Naughty stuff stays inside my direct control.

Have you ever declared your affection for a person while knowing there was absolutely nothing in it?
Can't say I have. Takes me ages to develop feelings.

Have you ever had sex in a place where you should not have sex, all things considered?
I did a few times...once in a public garden up on a secluded hill off the path, a couple times in my car around dusk, and once while visiting my SO at the time in her office. Good times, all.

Have you ever been made to feel like hot garbage for your tastes or opinions?
Yup, especially now during wedding planning. People giving me their unsolicited opinions.

Have you ever had such a realistic dream that you woke up clueless about your normal life? What was the dream about?
Nope. Can't say I'd have. Developing feelings slowly means that getting into kissing is hardly a surprise.

Have you ever eaten anything your friends and family would not touch?
Oh yeah. I started eating sushi when my family wouldn’t touch raw fish … I ate Capibara and Aligator, in a farm, and my sisters would never try.

Have you ever get involved in a fist fight, being older than 16yo?
Unfortunately I have. Not my proudest moment, I’m more of a lover not a fighter < 3

If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose and why?
I'd travel to year 5000 or so to see of we have figured out immortality OR if we still exist at all. To see what we have become.

Have you ever bought a sex toy from a brick and mortar store. If yes, what aort of a toy?
Yes, I bought a vibrator panty insert with a remote and some dirty candy hearts for a girlfriend on Valentine's day. 🙃

Hast thou ever hit an animal or a person with a vehicular?
Yeah. Was driving along a dirt road one night and a rabbit ran out in front of me...I think it survived once it landed...

Have you ever gotten on a bus or train and realised, once it had started moving, that it was the wrong one?
Yup, happened at least once with a bus. Wasn't a big deal, since I still had the time to get back on track.

Have you ever visited a casino? If so, did you enjoy it? If not, would you like to?
Yes, I did. And even after 20 years, it still haunts me and I'm considering correcting that mistake and tell the truth. Maybe one day I will, although the other person has probably forgotten anyway, lol.

Have you ever owned an exotic or unusual pet?
Nope! I have just a cat.

Have you ever been naked with members of opposite sex in the same space outside sexual and medical circumstances?
Yes, especially in my childhood. My family spent a lot of time at nude beaches in the summer. I grew up with a campsite full of naked people, lol. Back then it was very common here in Germany, but then smartphone and internet came and nudity culture is less popular now because people are filming. Sad.

Have you ever been poisoned in any way?
Wow, hard to imagine! Yeah, I guess it makes sense that nude beaches and such are less common now. x)

Er... does food poisoning count? My stomach is super sensitive. I'm afraid I don't have any cooler poisoning stories. xD Sun damage?

Have you ever suddenly remembered something you did a long time ago, and the feelings of that overwhelmed you in the moment to the point that people around you noticed and wondered what in the world just happened? XD
Yes, it was rather embarrassing. I forget exactly what it was that set me off but it made me remember something about my grandfather and from there it made me start to tear up thinking about the fact he was gone.

Have you ever went on a date or engaged in 'sketchy activities' with someone for the main purpose of making someone else jealous?
Never. I'm too straightforward for anything passive aggressive.
I usually just play dumb or subvert expectations in response when it's done to me.

Have you ever had sex while on psychedelics?
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