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have you ever.

Yes, several times. And it's always terrifying.

Have you ever been inside a police car?
Yes, but it's kind of lame. I have always loved walking late at night. Sometimes with headphones, sometimes with just my thoughts. Some paranoid person called after seeing me and I got stopped and questioned. I was completely honest and said I was going nowhere in particular, just walking. So they offered me a ride around and chat and I took it. It was rather nice, actually.

Have you ever wished for something you thought was impossible, only to have it somehow show up in your life?
Yes. He's asleep in my arms as I write this. 💜
*hugz* :)

Yes. It was the after-party of a play/musical I'd been in (several decades ago, now). I was never really given to being the partying type, and everyone around me was as surprised as I was when they realised it was dawn and I was still there.

Have you ever looked at piece of art and wondered what the heck the artist was thinking?
Several times. Alas, I think the issue is more with me than the art.

Have you ever had one writing partner end up jealous about another writing partner you have?
Yes, up to the point where she started verbally attacking me and my other partner and threatened to delete all our RP threads. In the end we stopped roleplaying with her altogether and she just disappeared.

Have you ever been on stage? (As entertainer/singer/actor/whatever ... not as fan/guest)
Used to be a lot more serious when I was younger. Sang for two different weddings last year. If only my hobby can be made a sustainable career 🥲

Have you ever had money left behind on the ATM unknowingly by the previous user?
Yes, several times (eg the above-mentioned musical). Probably my most significant role was the part of Ali Hakim (the peddler) in the musical Oklahoma.

To continue the theme: have you ever watched a stage play/musical and wished you could be up on stage with them?

EDIT: oops... :) was replying to Switchling - the person below me, pick one to respond to.
Yes and yes.
I will answer both, hehe.

The person who had left the money on the ATM was my mother and she's the "I have to be quick so that people behind me don't have to wait longer than needed-Type", so she left the ATM before the money came out. Fortunately the person behind her was me, so I just returned the money to her, lol. XD

I always imagine myself playing with the actors when I watch a musical or play, but at the same time I know it'll never actually happen. I'm too scared to be in the center of attention. ^^;

Have you ever found something valuable or important on the street and managed to return it to its owner?
I have, yes; I found a wallet in passing and was able to locate the owner's home. He gave me 100 bucks as a result too, unexpectedly. Pretty nice.

Have you ever taken professional lessons for a musical instrument or voice?
I've wanted to but I haven't fully committed due to things in my life

Have you ever farted in a crowed elevator?
No, lol. XD

Have you ever been so angry that you started throwing things across the room?
Yeah. Mobile games where the game screws you badly with "random" generations...and my mobile phone bore the brunt of my annoyance. >.>

Have you ever had a dream that merged with reality?
Does sleeping four nights and not doing anything until 5th night count?

Have you ever had a pregnancy scare, either yourself or by proxy?
Does scaring a ton of pregnant people into having premature babied count?

Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you'll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you'll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?
Uhm ... I think ... 🤔

Have you ever stolen something from a friend or relative?
In elementary school, a kid stole my pencil so I shoved him off a playground structure and permanently damaged his legs. When the teacher reprimanded me for my transgressions I pushed them off the playground structure too. You could say, that I stole his ability to walk...
(I'm kidding btw, I've been guilty of stealing pencils too)

Have you ever performed on stage before?
I was in theater all throughout middle and high school, plus in multiple productions... I wouldn't count any of it though, being just a lad in an audience of my peers and their folks.

Have you ever wanted something, had the opportunity to have it, but turned it down because you knew you shouldn't have it for good reason? (Sorry if that's too specific)
If begging, crying and puppy eyes situations during childhood to get what I want count, yes. XD

Have you ever had a day in your life where literally everything went wrong?
Yeah. They're called Mondays. And Tuesdays. >.>

Have you ever just sat down and felt like "I give up"?
Yes, and I was lucky that my cats were with me at that time. I couldn't bear to leave them in that horrible place I was living back then, so I stopped myself from doing anything stupid.

Have you ever been on a cruise?
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