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have you ever.

Yes, I once tried to steal a comic from a 7-11 back in the day, and wasn't successful. The next day of course my dad stopped for gas there. >.> So yeah, I was soundly thrashed by my mom as a result.

Have you ever given anyone a striptease, and if so who was it?
Ooh, this is a fun one. I have a couple times, but the time that really comes to mind was the time I played Strip Uno with a male friend. Needless to say, I lost. >_<

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Yes, and yes... Was having sex in the car on a back road, someone that lived back there came & knocked on the window and asked us to leave 😂 I've also had roommates walk in on me & my partner two or three times, so...yeah.

Have you ever been able to act out one of your fantasies?
Yes. Several. But maybe I won't start detailing all of it here. 😅

Are you ashamed about any of your kinks?
Yes. I will not elaborate further.

Have you ever gotten so frustrated at a video game that you broke your controller?
...or mobile phone. >.>

Have you ever gone out to dinner with friends/family and looked at the unfinished portions on a companion's plate and thought "I've still got room for that..."?
No, because I rarely finish my own meal.

Have you ever opened drawers/cabinets in other people's bathrooms just to look at what they're keeping there?
no. i'd feel way too bad snooping around in someone's place :'-(

have you ever skinny-dipped?
Yes. At school camp in the early 1980's, we had to join the "Icebreaker's Club" - skinny-dipping into a cold lake at 6am.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought "what the...?"
Yes! There are some people who have such go with such out there looks. More power to them but I would NOT go with what they decided to go with as far as fashion goes!

Have you ever ordered a desert and released after you didn't have any room in your stomach to actually eat it?
All the time! At my fav place they know to also bring a box for it too.

Have you ever sat in front of a window over looking a busy street/sidewalk for no reason other to watch things go by?
Yes. Regrets I have many.

Have you ever had sex in a house with other people up and about?
I shamelessly did. Bonus: I had sex on a couch while my friend was sleeping beside me and another two were sleeping on the floor. Sleepovers, man.

Have you ever had a threesome?
Yes, two older men and me. Liked it a lot.

Have you ever had sex with a family member? (Not necessarily immediate family. Can be in-laws or cousins.)
No, I have not. Never really wanted either.

Have you ever been caught masturbating?
No. When I was at my dancing peak it was always indoors (competition ballroom dancing), and that has long since waned.

Have you ever watched a friend or colleague make a major fuck-up and thought to yourself "there but for the grace of God go I"?
Oh yes. They gave a patient someone else's medication, Luckily no serious effects but the chewing out they got was the least of their problems.

Have you ever had an operation more serious then for, say, tonsils?
Yeah. Weird Al Yankovic, Melbourne 5-6 years ago (maybe a bit longer). Lots of fun.

Have you even ignored or disregarded the calling of your bladder because what you were doing at the time was more important?
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