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have you ever.

Nope. Highly unlikely to, as well.

Have you ever studied a foreign (ie not native) language (high school classes count for this one)?
More or less. But the car did not crash. The road was slippery because of snow and a driver suddenly lost control. His car slid around, basically did some pirouettes and finally came to a stop in a field next to the road without hitting anything. I bet the guy was more than shocked.

Have you ever eaten so much that there wasn't even room for dessert anymore? XD
Oh yes, that happens to everyone for sure!

What is your most cherished memory about an animal you had?
I remember the early days with my old family dog, Sparky, in which I'd race him in the backyard. Never got sick of watching him run with us.

Have you ever had too much sugar in one sitting and if so, how did that affect you?
Hmm, as far as I remember, no.

Have you ever heard a song you didn't like, but then listened to it several times and ended up loving it?
Probably, yes. There have been a number of albums I've purchased for the songs I liked and made myself listen to the entire album to get a grip on the tracks I thought I didn't like.

Have you ever walked barefoot in the grass to relax?
No, I personally dislike walking barefoot outside.

Have you ever done something that you’re still proud of to this day?
Yes. When I was thirteen, I rescued a little boy who had broken through the ice in winter. The adults nearby could not reach him, the ice was too thin to support their weight. One spotted me and asked me to try, because I wasn't as heavy as them. I stepped on the ice, broke in, stood waist deep in the icy water, grabbed him and pulled him out. Then I climbed back out, too. The story ended with the boy's mother not even thanking me, even though she and my mother knew each other .... And that I got severe pneumonia and was in bed for two weeks.
At least, one of my classmates sent me chocolate ... that was nice. XD

Have you ever dreamed something and later it actually happened in reality?

Have you ever been so excited about something that you got sick with excitement?
So sorry I didn't post a question last time, that's my bad.

I've never gotten sick with excitement, no, but I've had quite a lot of exciting times in my life.

Have you ever raced a car against an opponent?
No. Even though I could avoid many bad things that happened, if I did, I'd also miss many good things. Better leave it the way it is.

Have you ever traveled to another country?
Yup. A number of times. Not recently, though.

Have you ever wished to have just one more cup of coffee with a loved-and-now-departed person?
No, I haven’t. Too many unfamiliar critters to be willingly stuck. 😱

Have you ever had a vivid dream? What did you end up doing in it?
Yes, many. The last one was about school. I was late and couldn't find my class. The classroom was empty. I panicked because I knew we had an important lesson, and started searching the entire school, without success. When I woke up I was so happy to find out that it was just a dream, and that I didn't miss that lesson. However, it still took me a few minutes to realize that there wasn't even an important lesson to begin with. My last day in school had been many years ago ...but at that morning I was about to get ready for school and make sure I wouldn't be late. XD

Have you ever watched those white, fluffy looking clouds and wished you could jump up there and step/walk/climb on them?
Probably...but I try really hard not to as, in the end, you really only end up hurting yourself by doing it.

Have you ever stolen something (as in from a shop or store)?
Accidentally! I put something in my pocket and walked out and forgot to pay for it. I panicked and walked back in to pay for it. Was like some cheap thing but still I felt so guilty haha.

Have you ever got a pet you weren't prepared to have and had to get rid of it?
Unfortunately, I adopted a dog for emotional support after a family member passed and my apartment complex wouldn't let me keep the dog.

Have you ever had caffeine withdrawals?
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