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have you ever.

I once tried to steal a comic book when I was nine. It was so fucking stupid, honestly. I was at a 7-11, had money given to get a few comics, and tried to hide one beneath. They found it of course and I was like oops, that one was an accident. Then I ran in after, tried to grab it and run out. The guy yelled and me and told me never to come back there. Turns out the next day my dad stopped to get milk after picking us up from school, they told him what happened, and my parents beat my ass. Lesson learned.

What's the happiest feeling that you've ever had, that you can remember?
Going to Italy with my fiancé. It was a magical experience, felt like we went to another planet. So many amazing memories.

What’s your all time favorite meal that you can never pass up on?
A former teacher of mine. She was the only one who very was strict, but fair, and able to make me want to impress her and never procrastinate homework and such.

Bringing this thread back to topic ...

Have you ever saved someone's life?
Actually yes I have but the details are pretty grim. I’ll just say I had to talk a friend out of a very horrible decision and it was the scariest 20 minutes of my life.

Have you ever seen a ghost?
Nope. Closest I've been to that is parasailing (attached to a parachute while being towed by a speedboat - still lots of fun. :) )

Have you ever...had an out-of-body experience?
I have, yes. I was having surgery and sort of saw myself getting worked on, but then again I was heavily drugged so who knows.

Have you ever successfully raced against the clock, for whatever reason?
No, but there's a plethora of ways to express emotions that are tear-free.

Have you ever moonwalked?
Technically...yes. I did a V8 Driver & Hot Laps experience a while back, which involved me sitting in the driver's seat of a race car (with a Pro river riding shotgun) and I did a number of laps around a racetrack. I was racing, I suppose, as there were a number of cars on the track at the same time doing the same thing...but it wasn't under race conditions.

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered whether humanity is truly alone in the universe?
Yes, many. Cats, mice, hamsters, a guinea pig, budgies ... and lately canaries, which is totally new to me. A few months ago, a canary showed up on my balcony. It took me 5 hours to catch him. I couldn't find his owner so I kept the little guy and ended up buying a second one so he wasn't all alone among my 6 budgies, lol.

Have you ever been to a beach where the ocean waves were higher than you?
Yes, I have, there are times when the tide comes in where it is like that here, but moreso when I was in Hawaii the waves were insanely high.

Have you ever come to anyone's defense either through violent means or verbally?
Yes. It was in high school and I was given in-school suspension as a result, even though the person who issued the suspension said I was in the right and he would have done the same damned thing. He said, however, it would set a bad example if he gave me a slap on the wrist, though. So, suspended for a week I was.

Have you ever lost a bet? What did you lose as a result?
Well I used to play Poker semi-professionally so... >.> but aside from that, oh yes, usually on sports outcomes. The last World Cup (2018) I lost about $400 because I bet on Brazil to win. Oops.

Have you ever hidden a vital truth from someone for a specific reason, perhaps maybe because it would hurt them or something similar?
Yup. Lie-ee and smile to get what's mine. . .

Have you ever slept under the stars?
Yup. High School excursion (separate to the regular school camps) into the Outback of Australia. Warm, clear night, just me and a group of friends and a campfire and sleeping bags... Fantastic.

Have you ever done something really innocent that turned out to be really stupid?
Yeah last night, was walking out of my flat, snow covered the ground but I forgot yesterday there was ice there and slipped almost right away….sore bum from the fall

Have you ever regretted something that everyone says is a good idea?
Yep, I invested in a tech company a few years that was "sure to hit it big" and, well, they didn't. >.>

Have you ever tried to summon a ghost or apparition, like say doing the Bloody Mary trick in your bathroom mirror for example?
played around with an ouija board when I was a wee little feral. Nothing interesting happened. that, or maybe I'm still possessed and don't even know it

Have you ever experienced severe deja vu?
I have, yes, and there are times when it's been severe especially when I was younger, like I had a preternatural sense something would happen and then that feeling hit me later.

Have you ever gone skydiving?
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