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have you ever.

Yes. My cousin had one along time ago. I loved the little fella.

Have you ever gotten a bug bite on an intimate area?
It was more mess than sushi but if attempting counts, then yes.

Have you ever overslept for work/school and called in sick?
Nah. I prefer to let nature take its course.

Have you ever been friends with someone who made you question your sexuality?
Not sure. I got zapped by an electric fence once, but I don't know what voltage it was.

Have you ever been bit by a wild animal?
Yes I have. I have been bit by a monkey that almost chewed my nail off. I have also been bit by a penguin.

Have you ever been on an amusement park ride where you thought you'd faint?
Never, I tend to love any fast and zippy. lol

Have you ever done a movie/TV show marathon that had you watching non-stop for an entire 24 hours?
Yep. A&E use to do 24 hour marathons of seasons of 24. Watched seasons 1 and 2 that way.

Have you ever licked another person for any reason?
In an embarrassment type of way, yes. Was on vacation and at one point was with a group of locals and tourists jumping off a bit of a tall waterfall. My turn came and....well.....flimsy bikini+hitting water hard=destroyed bathing suit. So yea.....buck naked in front of group of strangers till someone gave me a towel.

Have you ever slept in a car?
Oh yes, an embaressing story behind that one. lol

Have you ever tripped in public at a major sporting event?
Yep, spilling my just bought drink all over me.

Have you ever parked somewhere, then later, forgot where you parked?
Nope. I always remember where I parked or where my friends parked.

Have you ever experienced an earthquake and didn't get up cuz you were too lazy to get out of bed?
Don't get too many earthquakes in the small Texas town I live that'd be a no.

Have you ever had someone walk in you while you were getting dressed, intentionally or accidentally?
All the time growing up. My mother never believed in the virtue of knocking before entering a room.

Have you ever been walked in on in a public toilet?
Not a toilet, but have been walked in on in a shower at the local public pool.

Have you ever forgotten to wear underwear?
Nope. I think that is more of a ladies problem. I still can't figure out how one forgets to wear underwear or doesn't realize they aren't wearing it.

Have you ever reread previous posts of an ongoing RP to find typos and secretly correct them?
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