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have you ever.

I haven't been secretive about it, but I have done it. I don't see why you'd need to be, everyone makes mistakes.

Have you ever been chased down by an animal that seemed non-threatening (like a chicken or a squirrel or something)?
Living in a small rural town and being outdoorsy.......its happened more than a few times.

Have you ever had a bug crawl on you with out you feeling it?
A lot. Thankfully they weren't the type of bugs to make you screech and flail your arms around hysterically.

Have you ever thought your clothes matched only to find out they were close in shade but totally not compatible to be worn together?
Yea, I had a red pair of jeans that never went with anything and I wore them one along with a shirt that had red and black, a band tee but it looked so bad and I wanted to go home and change.

Have you ever slept for my than 8 hours, say, about 24 full hours?
GAWD no! (that would totally be my worst nightmare)

Have you ever helped in the production of a video or play?
Yes I have. In fact it was a two person mime which me and my friend worked on and performed in front a large crowd on stage.

Have you ever felt an itch to drive really fast and rash on an empty or less crowded road and acted on it?
I have, several/many times. Sometimes it's just awkward, sometimes it's more scary because aforementioned SO takes it very badly. I once had to prevent some kind of restaurant (!) fight after I got whistled at.

Passing it on.
Yes, but it was a little funny/awkward as I was hit on by another female.

Have you ever sung in a choir?
Yes, mandatory trip at school. I hated it, I still find it so creepy #thedescent

Anyone LIKES exploring caves? Not meaning a visit in Lascaux but really speleology?
I find stalagtites and stalagmites fascinating. Went into a few very beautiful caves in the past, both on school trips and while on vacation.

Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Depends upon what you consider as a mountain? And do you mean all the way to the top?

Have you ever borrowed more than you could carry from the local library?
Yes, I meant a mountain all to the top. And I never took more than one book from a library since I didn't need long to return.

Have you ever been in a coma or fallen unconcious?
@Revnarh, yes to your answer

Yes, I've fallen unconcious and found myself upon waking in some man's arms. Very disconcerting to say the least.

Have you ever run an official race?
Nope. I theoretically know how to do it but never took any training on it so I hope I never get in a situation where I am forced to do it.

Have you ever played the paper and pen game called Name, Place, Animal, Thing?
I did when I was in 5th grade and our reading class had multiple things for use to choose from to do a book report on what we read: Make a board game, make a short comic with four panels, or some other crazy way. I always chose to make a board game out of it because it was easier to do since I nevwr read any of the books for that class. X3

Have you ever dreamt lucidly or realized you were asleep and decided to try and take control?
I believe I've dreamed lucidly, but perhaps I was merely dreaming that I was in control...

Have you ever jumped out of a perfectly good airplane?
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