have you ever.

Yes, a German band called Unheilig. It was amazing! I loved it when the lead singer suddenly shushed everyone in the middle between two songs after everyone was singing along. The next song started then a little bit more silent and worked up till it became loud again.

Have you ever played in a band?
Never, I'm more of the 'sound guy' than band member. lol

Have you ever decorated a Christmas tree all by yourself?
Never, and I would suck because anyone who can cook is a winner in my book. lol

Have you ever found yourself so deep in thought that when you look you're not sure how you got there?
Never, although it would be amusing if I knew the person well enough.

Q: Have you ever hiked to see a glacier?
I had plans to go but friends backed out at the last minute. It is a popular graduation trip here to go up north and hike to see glaciers.

Q: Have you ever been camping?
Yes, love it so long as there’s real restrooms nearby. lol I am not that rustic.

Q: Have you ever built and started a fire? Camp or fireplace?
A few friends and I made a fireplace together before having a bbq in the woods.

Have you ever gone fishing, gutted a fish and then cooked it yourself afer catching some?
No, but I'm sure it's hella worse than being stung by a bumblebee!

Q: Have you ever eaten cotton candy?
No, brought up with huge amounts of 'you will be punished, bad karma!'

Have you ever streaked in a public place?
Sort of. I've gone for a run multiple times in thick fog, but it's always been in the morning.

Have you ever locked your keys in your car and had no choice but to break out a car window?
No but I have done something similar. I locked myself out of my dorm room and I needed something urgent so I broke the door open.

Have you ever poured out too much shampoo while showering?
Once, quite recently. Thankfully, I have rather ample natural cushioning. Aka.....my boobs broke the fall.

Have you ever spent all day barefoot?
Most of the day, yes and more than once. The entire day, no.

Have you ever closed a book by accident and opened it again to land on the same page you were reading?
Yes! Things that make you go, Hmmm.

Have you ever stayed up beyond 24 hours just to finish a book/series because you just had to find out how things ended?
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