have you ever.

Like that, no. Driven a bike INTO the water and tried to pedal, yes. Lost the bike.

Have you have jumped off a roof/very high place into a lake/pool/river?
I have, but never big sums... I did win a gorgeous gold and diamond necklace at a tombola.

Passing it on!
A town marathon yeah, finished seventh but it wasn't like there was a lot of competition.

Have you ever played something that you didn't like because of a friend/family member but ended up liking it in the long run?
Yes. Not bad but not something I go out of my way to get.

Have you ever put a hole in a wall that wasn't supposed to be put there(ie out of anger)?
No, I haven't though the opportunity has never been given.

Have you have ridden a mechanical bull and enjoyed it?
No never but maybe in the future if the opportunity presented itself.

Have you ever been to a professional hockey game?
I HAVE ACTUALLY! Was the first ever sports event I ever went too with a neighbor when he offered and it was really fun.

Have you ever yelled in public when no one else was/did?
(Wasn't the smell of the ice awesome? Maybe it's a combination of ice and hockey sweat, shrug. Still pretty cool. lol)

Often, whether in anger or delight.

Have you ever cheered people participating in a sporting event on? (no, not televised)
Never had the pleasure....hehehe, get it?

Have you ever been to a shop that sells sex toys/supplies?
Negative, never thought to nor did I ever need too.

Have you ever been to a concert to a band you actually liked?
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