have you ever.

Yeah, used to hate ketchup as a kid but just one day, 'hey, why not, can't be that bad'. And it was not bad, not at all.

Have you ever went out with friends and realized you really shouldn't have?
Oh, was that what that was? I thought he was giving me a how to lesson. ROFL

Have you ever eaten popcorn with hot sauce? (see, I'm attempting to bring levity into the convo).
Can't say that I have BUT popcorn with parmesan cheese and a little pepper is pretty good if you are careful.

Have you ever considered moving to another country? If so where and why?
Not really, I like it here.

Have you ever ate something and then found out what it was and that it disgusted you?
Negative. If I eat something and I liked it, I could care less what it was.

Have you ever conquered a fear you've had?
Yes and no. Bees and wasps still frighten my and I'll run away when they get too close to my face. But otherwhise I'm not panicking like I used to. And if that doesn't coun't, I conquered my stage fright over the years.

Have you ever fainted right in front of someone because you were too nervous or for some other reason?
Nope and no way. Hate the sensation of falling. Going up is fine but not down. LOL

Have you ever participated in a water balloon fight?
So may times, I dot even know how many I’ve been in! They’re great for having fun in the heat of Arizona’s summers.

Have you ever had the oddest feeling that you just know you know someone?
Yes, on more than one occasion. Also waited in line all morning too.

Have you ever had to leave a movie for any reason before it was over?
YES! So many Lego crafts, mud creations and clay designs but after I destroyed them, it would always ping in my head 'you fool!'

Have you ever hid away from people and want them to freak out about it?

((my bad. auto correct didn't put the word in right.))
Only when I was very small.

Have you ever kissed a stranger? (no introductions or small talk ~ just walked up and planted one)
Nope. Best way to get slapped, or nowadays the police called lol. Plus I love being seduced.

Passing it on.
I don't know if it was a stray, but a cat followed me after I pet it for a while.

Have you ever surfed in a tube without falling into the water or the wave crashing down on you?
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