have you ever.

Several times. In fact, there are some novelizations I actually prefer over the movie. (Revenge of the Sith for one. The novel is so much better than the film.)

Passing it on.
Of course the novel or book will always be better than the movie. The same counts for games, cartoons or manga/anime that got turned into a movie. Just take a look at Fullmetal Alchemist or Death Note (both manga/anime and their real life action movies). I know that not all details of a book can fit in one movie, but please don't change important stuff. Even minor things can change everything like Dumbledore walking "calmly" towards Harry and shouting at him if he put his own name into the goblet. That wasn't calm and quiet like in the book. Or when stuff gets added in a manga that fucking. Never. Happened. In. The. Novel! Sorry for the rant.

Have you ever played a game with cheats and then tried to complete it in hard mode without cheating?
I have. Gosh. But I'm lazy, I'll do easy!
(and yeah generally the book is better, with a few exceptions of extremely complex to read - or on contrary a great story that is poorly written).

Passing it on.
I definitely have. Sometimes it’s worth the pain!

Have you ever exploited a glitch in a game in order to do something you normally wouldn’t be able to do?
I don't play video games, so no.

Have you ever intentionally read spoilers for a book / movie / series, then immediately regretted it?
YES!!!!! I did that for Harry Potter and felt Horrible!! LOL

Have you ever liked someone only to discover they liked you're best friend?
I have, though not sure how accidental? Let's say sometimes I didn't have much of a recipe.

Passing it on
I often just throw things together and am surprised it's yummy. lol

Have you ever tripped in the middle of a crosswalk?
No but I have either at the start or end. Usually the sidewalk wishing my death, either the fall or the rise of that stupid concrete.

Have you ever played around with yourself, just because and not in a sexual way?
Technically, playing around with yourself could include playing with your hair, earlobes, the funny bump everyone has on their wrists, so yes, I do and often.

Have you ever wanted to let someone on BD know how much you like their avatar, signature, or post but was unable to because there is no 'like' option? (By the way, I like your signature, "I wanna be the reason you slightly tilt..." Too funny!)
Sometimes I'll be brave enough to pm them! and I have received such messages.

Have you ever hesitated over which avatar to choose
You motivate me to pm people, thanks!

Um, not really. I comfortable being a bad, green heroine/villainess. LOL

Have you ever ordered something on the menu and instantly regretted it? (I once ordered spinach fettuccine and instantly regretted it when I saw the special of the day)
Oh indeed! Doesn't happen often but baby, when the moon's in the wrong house, watch out! LOL

Have you ever met someone who was your twin in almost everything (likes, dislikes, quirks) but looks?
Yep, met a cute redhead girl who had lots in common with me. Too bad that she was a lesbian or else I might have asked her to meet again.

Have you ever rescued a hurt animal and then ended up adopting it?
Yes, a kitten. Cats seem to know who will care for them.

Have you ever stayed up all night talking with a friend of the opposite sex and watched the sunrise together?
Glad to see I’m not the only crazy rescue cat person!

It wasn’t intentional, nor were we alone for it, but yes. It has happened.

Have you ever passed out, and upon waking wondered just what in the world happened?
Yes! Very disconcerting to wake up in the arms of a stranger carrying you to a safe location. lol

Have you ever heard your own skin sizzle from being burned?
Yes, I’m guilty! The imperfections are glaring in my character. lol

Ser Issac, responding to your question, have ever met someone you instantly liked?
Yes. I'm pretty ready to strangle a person right now. But I won't do it because she's not worth getting in trouble over.

Have you ever taken the blame (willingly or not) for a crime someone else committed?
School mischief? Occasionally. More? Not happening, I would only go to jail for my child (though I would cover my spouse and family barring heinous crimes). All in theory hopefully ;)

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