have you ever.

Yes, funny enough it was another woman I would leave my at the time girlfriend for.

Have you ever started masturbating to one thing and something else come up that you were not expecting but get into it more than you thought you would have?
No, mainly because I have more focus than that.

Have you ever wanted to watch one movie, changed it several times (because the next several didn't suit) and ended reading a book?
Nah, usually have enough foresight to know what I wanna watch.

Have you ever listened to music that you usually wouldn't ever think you'd enjoy?
Yes! I work at a bookstore that's sent new releases and we have to play them. Sometimes a song will get stuck in my head and I find myself humming a rift (not good if it's someone you typically don't listen to). lol

Have you ever had a negative impression of someone that later becomes a really good friend?
Not really, I tend to be a pretty good judge of character most of the time.

Have you ever accidentally said an embarrassing thought aloud without meaning to?
Well, my favorite author changes like the season, so I'll have to say no.

Have you ever fallen asleep on public transit (train, plane, ferry, bus) against the person next to you (head on their arm or shoulder)?
Oh indeed, with scars to prove it! LOL

Have you ever been so tired, purchased something (like a coffee) and left without it?
Yes, more times than I care to count. It’s kind of embarrassing when I realize after walking out that I never got whatever it was, then walk back in to get it.

Have you ever met any sort of celebrity (i.e. chef, musician, actor, etc)?
Cried? No. Laughed so hard it felt like my ribs were about to explode? Yes.

Have you ever worn someone else's underwear?
Too many times to count. And every time was super embarrassing.

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten just what exactly you were going in there for?
Yes, I have. Not to forget opening the fridge and then wondering why you opened in the first place. Or how you ended up in the bathroom all of a sudden. Maybe we all are sims?

Have you ever done something just out of spite and then discovered that you wanted to continue for yourself?
All of the time. I am a VERY spiteful person and it usually ends up turning from work to fun to do said things.

Have you ever had a kink that was on/off? Either you really wanted it or you have no care for it
Yes, weird in my opinion but then again, humans are a mystery! lol

Have you ever dashed out of the house only to realize later your socks totally don't match?
Nope, I keep my socks bundled together in pairs. If my socks don't match, it's on purpose.

Have you ever eaten something so spicy it made your entire mouth numb?
Yes, mouth numb, lips tingly, tears running down my face. Not a pretty picture! lol

Have you ever made a 'sack lunch' and forgot it in/on the (insert place)?
Yes, yes I have. Had to buy something for lunch after forgetting what I prepared.

Have you ever had a dream that slipped into reality after getting up?
If you mean like deja vu? Then yes. Very surreal.

Have you ever seen a movie more than once? (in the theatre)
Yes. The first Iron Man. I think I watched it four times. Two times, back to back because I re-snuck back in. The other two was with friends that wanted to see it.

Have you ever did something really nice and regretted it a few minutes late?
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