have you ever.


Have you ever told a teacher to fuck off before when irritated?
Not sex, but flirting/seducing and a tad more yes. Bad bad bad.

Have you ever fallen for the wrong person?
Pretty much every time it comes around, I get it.

Have you ever injected yourself with something that wasn’t a controlled substance?
I have. But it was insignificant.
For more problematic stuff, a few close calls. That's why a friend of mine says never keep a pic you would diiiiie if it got shared...

Passing it on
I never have, but I do get quite a lot of texts from people that do.

Have you ever dropped something in the toilet that you had to reach in and get back out?
Like, something other than what the person was asking? Yeah, more than once actually.

Have you ever called someone other than your parents "Mom" or "Dad" by accident?
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