have you ever.

No. I'm tone deaf, so music doesn't bring me inspiration.

Have you ever been chatting to someone online and realised that you know each other in real life?
No. I've realized we lived close but that's it.

Have you ever been in a car accident?

I broke the same bone in two places in one day but two separate events (doing the same thing).

Have you ever had a threesome?

...have you ever planned your daily activities a few days in advance just to carve some time for *Cough* "yourself"?
Gods yes. I get super enthusiastic sometimes and forget my gag reflex exists. Always embarrassing

Have you ever had sex with a best friend's sibling?
No, only had intercourse with one person in my life.

Have you ever cheated/thought about cheating?
Nope, one substitutes the other >.>

Have you ever wanted to do something opposite the very same instant you're told not to do that?
And more. On the lips and some other places.

Have you ever got into food play and ended up just eating and laughing in bed?
Nope. Never used food in a naughty manner.

Have you ever gotten super mad when playing a game and broken something, minorly or severely?
Yes, in a lift. There were only two other people there. A man and woman who were together. I just pretended nothing had happened.

Have you ever played with someone's foot under the table, only to discover it was the wrong foot?
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