have you ever.

Yes. Both.

Have you ever participated in golden showers? Giving or receiving counts
No, but I want to give it a try at least once. Sexy girls who are desperate to go to the toilet only to wet themselves after they can't keep it in anylonger are hot. That brought me to like watersports after watching some wetting accidents.

Have you ever drunk urine without knowing it?
No, but I once tricked a boy in second grade that it was lemonade after someone peed in a dixie cup.

Have you ever gotten so frustrated that words no longer made sense and instead only sounds were the way to communicate?
No. Sometimes you get so emotional that not even screams will come out no matter how much you want to. I got to that point once after the wrong buttons were pushed too hard.

Have you ever seen something that was so weird/hilarious/amazing/horrorful (or something else) that you can't forget it no matter how hard you try?
Yes, last winter a squirrel was drinking from an icicle dripping and got its little tongue stuck for about a minute. I had to wash coffee off the deck glass door.

Have you ever been in that half awake, half slumber state and thought you were still inside your recent dream?
Not only that, my dream even blurred into reality to the extent that I thought it was real despite knowing that I got out of bed.

Have you ever been so tired that you wanted to sleep for hours only to get energized enough to stay awake for a whole night?
So tired you're wide awake? Every single night, sadly.

Have you ever felt someone's eyes on you that you swear they burned their emotion into the back of your neck?

Have you ever had the sensation that you needed to change something in your life, but that's easier said than done no matter how much you want to?
I came out here to have a good time and honestly I'm feeling so attacked by now.

Have you ever been so tired that you just stopped being tired?
A paper airplane! ;)

Have you ever spent the whole night writing and then looked at the clock and realized it was morning and been shocked?
Yes, and I've done it with books too. Big books with hundreds of pages.

Have you ever thought about creating something like a story, but had problem with starting it?
Yes, pulling allnighters requires it.

Have you ever sworn off something only to come back to it and wonder why you ever stopped in the first place?
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