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have you ever.

No, what is the difference between sitting on your hand before masturbating and not sitting on it?

Have you ever lost something and found it again after a few years?

Have you ever purchased something with an awkward "happy birthday" postcard to "hide" the cashier it was for you instead?
Plenty. I'm a southerner so fishing is in my genes.

Have you ever done something very illegal and gotten away with it?
I have, and I will not post more LOL.

Have you ever had a stalker online (dealing with that just now lol).
I've had the good fortune of creeps getting the gyst when I tell them to fuck off.

Have you ever passed out or otherwise fallen unconscious during sex?
Most if not all of my dreams, no matter how weird they are, feel like reality for me while I'm having them. Some even get repeated and/or continued!

Have you ever seen something in a cartoon, movie or series that looked amazing/delicious and tried to reproduce it? (I don't have enough ingredients for the everything burrito from Adventure Time... :()
Luckily, no and I hope that I won't break a single bone in my entire life.

Have you ever repeated something multiple times or redone a perfect work?
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