have you ever.

Oh yeah, several times. Sometimes I let them on purpose. :3

Have you ever used a Hitachi magic wand for something other than masturbation?
Not penetration, no.

Have you ever had a specific idea for a roleplay but never listed it on a request thread, thinking that nobody would ever be interested?
No, but I am about to next month. Versailles, here I come!!

Have you ever legitimately cried over something that happened in a roleplay?
Can't say I have.

Have you ever been in a roleplay with someone, and kept imagining their avatar as their character?
I don't think so... I tend to associate the roleplayer themselves with their icon!

Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes. I backed into a tree when I was sixteen years old... RIP my bumper.

Have you ever driven over 100mph?
Literally all the time. I am an easy crier.

Have you ever cheated?
Yes, I've layed with a girl while my boyfriend explicitly said that it's the same for him if I've layed with another boy or another girl.

Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
In the short term yes, in the long term never as they've usually tried to come back and I've seen enough to realize why I left.

Have you ever had significant other's relative hit on you?
Once. To report my phone as stolen. I later found it between my bed slats.
(I think all of my answers are beginning to have the charming theme of "Barbie is an idiot.")

Have you ever kissed a perfect stranger?
More times than I'd like to admit..and more.

Have you ever blackmailed someone?
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