have you ever.

Thankfully, no. I’ve come close a few times, though!

Have you ever met someone new but for some odd reason, you know their face and/or name? Like, not because someone told you or anything, you just know.
Yeah, that uncanny déjà-vu-like feeling that you know them fom somewhere despite never having met or seen him/her before in your entire life...

Have you ever had sleep paralysis or know someone who experienced it?
Yes, it's easily the scariest experience I have ever had.

Have you ever walked out of a line you had already spent a long time waiting in.
Yup, though I try not to make a habit of it. Learning to be more patient.

Have you ever performed the Heimlich Maneuver on someone?
No, luckily I didn't need to use it on someone yet.

Have you ever taken a shower or bath fully clothed or swum in a lake/pool while wearing clothes?
I have swum with (light) clothing when I didn't have a bathing suit lol

Have you ever been to Bali?
I have. BUT I'm still not certain it wasn't her, pretending not to be her. LOL.

Passing it on.
I haven’t, no. But I’ve definitely seen people’s clones before!

Have you ever been told that you look like a celebrity?
Nope, but that's okay because if I did look like one, I probably wouldn't be able to stand it, haha.

Have you ever interacted face-to-face with a wild animal?
Yes though it mainly consists of snakes and squirrels though I did come a few feet from a bobcat while trailing one day. Not really something I enjoyed but it wasn't horrible either.

Have you ever had to hurt a family member for any reason?
"Had" to? No, I don't believe I have.

Have you ever been caught outside during a severe weather event (eg. tornado, hurricane, etc)?
I took the last boat to get out of a certain Asian city in a hurricane... Terrifying!

Passing it on.
Well, almost, I have experienced two earthquakes when I was inside. They were probably more dramatic for being indoors rather than outside, because the windows rattled, but they were only relatively minor quakes - they were in Wales, so don't expect major structural damage. At least, I can say the earth moved twice in my life. So far.

Have you ever wet yourself laughing?
Yes actually. There was one side of town that, still to this day, I've never needed to go to and it is a complete mystery to me.

Have you ever played a game for a full day + for fun with no sleep?
No. I have played for very long hours at night as a teen, and suddenly realized it was 6 am though.

Passing it on
I have, yeah. I did it when I first got Knights of the Old Republic. Totally regretted not getting any sleep, that’s for sure.

Have you ever stayed awake longer than 24 hours? If so, how long?
I have though couldn't tell you how long exactly... Think being too excited to sleep on the plane, then during the stopover, and the other flight, and the arrival... When I finally went to sleep I was dizzy every time I moved lol

Passing it on?
The longest I was staying awake was five days in a row. I wanted to see how long I could last without any sleep, but then I took a nap and went to bed afterwards.

Have you ever slept an entire day or more without being sick or being in a coma?
Yes. I work early shifts so sometimes after going a week, I will sleep straight through the day and make sure my roommates know its better to just leave the house or be quiet.

Have you ever been praised for something that you thought was minor but made you feel great afterward?
Well, I was thanked, so let's call it praise. I was told that something I had said had provided great encouragement to someone who felt they were failing and were about to give up. Because of my chance remark to them, they were inspired to carry on, although they did give up eventually.

Have you ever sent an intimate email or text and realised too late that it was going to the wrong person.
Nope, fortunately. I am super paranoid about that so I always triple-check the recipient before sending that sort of thing.

Have you ever been told by a roommate / family member / neighbor that they could hear you having sex / masturbating through the walls?
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